chapter 25

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Maya  pov
PROMISE! It is ME. I don't want to fail on anything so I make promise and vows on everything to get successful in my life. If I PROMISED on something I go to any extent to keep up the promise.

Little did everyone know about ME. so I made many promises and all tied my hand. I can't break the ties because all ties are meaningful especially I can't break the ties with RISHI.

Because the tied I make him with MARRIAGE. THE SACRED BOND! YES, its true I married him

In her past
He hold my hand and drag me from the home outside
" what are you doing?  Where you take me" he not answering me and his hold in my hand was tight I can't  pulled out from it.

" RISHI! No one is home I can't co.."

" SHUT  UP! "
He shouting at me and take me forcefully with him on his bike to nearby Mandir. I look around the place there was no one at the time

" RISHI! Why are we here?"
He hold my hand drag me inside and stood before the GOD statue. He leave my hand and folding his hand to pray.

I shook my head of his actions folding my hands and closed my eyes to pray. Suddenly I feel something coldly touched my neck. I opened my eyes to see before me HIM. RISHI!


I am in great shock next second he put SINDOOR


I am in shock but he hold my hand take 7 round in front of the HOLY FIRE!

I am in big shock of my LIFE. He married ME. RISHI married ME. I AM HIS WIFE. AND HE IS MY HUSBAND.

" JAAN!"


I bring out from the real world it is all happened quickly forcedly he did! He married me without my consent  I broke into tears. I shouted at him asked him to leave ME. He went out I sit there crying with broken tears. he spoiled everything my dreams, my vows, my principle, my PROMISES. Everything get broken because of HIM

I don't want to move from the place sitting quietly silently whimpering. What they think about me? Who going to believe me? then I hear his footsteps near me

" JAAN! "

" why you did it? "

" because you're MINE JAAN! I don't want to lose you  Please accept it JAAN" he sit beside ME touching my shoulder to make move

"NO! I CAN'T  " I pushed his hands on ME and get up to walk

" please! Don't do this to us accept our relationship. We're  MARRIED NOW " he hold me to talk

" HOW ? YOU FORCED ME INTO THIS!" I didn't think my marriage is happened like this I cried out for my FATE. did I am waiting for this NO! NEVER! then why?

"Be...... Because I have no other choice. You're MINE! Please don't push me I can't live without YOU "

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