Chapter 14

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Nana arrived at the school early, as she wanted to look around the school again to see if she could find anything. As she was preparing to walk out of the class, Bora run towards as though she was being chase by monsters. Bora stop in front of her and says,

" .... a ..." Bora was so breathless that she was not able to said what she wanted to.

"Breathe in first!!!" said Nana. Bora did what Nana told her and after a few breathe and calm Bora says,

"There is a parents meeting right now! Right after what happen the other day, they wanted the school to expel you." said Bora.

"What!! Where are they meeting?"

"At the school board room beside the general office. What are you going to do?"

"Crash the party!!" said Nana while she walk to the board room.

The boardroom was full with angry parents who want Nana to be expel. The school board try to calm them down but they were full of anger the moment they arrived to the school. Even the school principal was not able to calm them down. They demand the school to expel her immediately they could not accept a student who that violent roaming around the school and hurting their children. While Jinee mother express her great concern, suddenly the door to the boardroom open Nana walk into the boardroom. Everyone was shock to see that she walk into the boardroom daringly.

"Nana go back to class!!! You are not suppose to be here!!!" said the Principal.

"Why should I? This is about me... I should be here!" said Nana bravely. Jinee mother stood up from her sit and walk towards her. She was angry that someone had mess with her daughter, she wanted to slap her face but Nana manage to hold her hand.

"Ai... why do all of you like to beat other people children? It's a shocker that in this century there still people love hitting other people children." said Nana while she push Jinee mother away.

"How dare you disrespecting us? Do you know who we are?" said one of the fathers.

Nana smile at them and says,

"Of course I know who you are. You guys are the parents of that freaking spoil brat that you called angels. If angel will to see them, they would have just curse them to hell." said Nana again not fearing of what she had said.

"Nana....go back to CLASS NOW!!!" said the Principal again.

"I can not until I say something. Something that you all of you parents need to know." she said. Everyone look at each other and back at her.

"You parents think that just because you have money everything is settle even your children disgusting behavior but not this time. Do you know why I did what I did? There a girl who is trembling even ever she think of school now she is in counseling and still seeking treatment because of your children."

"That not our fault. It mean that she not fit to belong to this harsh society yet!" said another father.

"Oh you wrong....your children are the one who is not prepare because all of you useless parents did not prepare them of the harsh reality of the world and I am going to destroy them if all of you start to play dirty with me. I'm not just any big fat girl, I am THE BIG FAT GIRL, I am strong and also smart." said Nana while looking at their reaction waiting for what they going to do next.

"You just a kid what do you know?" said another mother.

"We can easily destroy your go before you regret it?" threaten another father. Then suddenly the door open and Chul Woo walk into the boardroom stomping in and stomp to the father who threaten Nana. He grab his shirt and push him to the wall.

'How dare you threaten her? Do you want to die?" said Chul Woo. Everyone kept quite as they were scare of Chul Woo. Nana immediately went to him and push him away from the man.

"What are you doing here?" said Nana. Chul Woo the took her hand and wanted to bring her out of the boardroom but Nana stop in her track and look at Chul Woo. He turn around and saw Nana expression change she was no longer gentle. Nana pull her hand away and says,

"I'm not done yet!" she said while she around and look at the parents and teachers.

"You want to ruin my life go ahead, cause my life has been ruin and I not scare of you. I have something more that what you can do to me. Much more that I can actually destroy all of your company with in second." said Nana.

"What are you talking about?" said Jinee mother.

"Corruption in school, bribing the school officials, sexual harassment, laundering money for a certain people....what else?" said Nana giving them hints. They were taken aback and start to be scare of her. Chul Woo was also taken aback.

"What are you talking about? You don't have anything you just scaring us!" said the Principal. Nana took out her phone and start to send something to the principal and other parents. Luckily Ban had given all the information that she need about the parents and the school. She had kept it just in case for something like this happen. Their phone start to ring and one by one of the parents and teachers received a MMS picture. One by one they saw what Nana had send and start to felt scare of what other secret about them she knew.

"I told you you will be destroy if I send this to the whole world. Correct whole world. I'm not here to play around, I here to study and so are my other friends who was being bully by your children, tell them to stop and my advice to you is not to play with me or threaten me or even thinking of expelling me. I am not telling you, I'm warning you. Don't even try me cause I am not in a good mood right now!" said Nana while she turn around and this time she grab Chul Woo hand and wanted to walk out of the room when suddenly she accidentally collide with another parent.

A black Mercedes stop in front of the school, someone very important had finally arrive to the school. Tae Woo Bin the school top contributor and a billionaire in Korea. He came out from the car and walk to the board room which he knew very well where was it. His PA received a call from the school the night before informing him that he need to comes down to the school for a last meeting parents meeting about expelling a scholarship student. Yet again he had to hear all the nonsense from the parents group. There should be a very good reason for what that scholarship student did if not he or she would not have done it.

Woo Bin arrive at the meeting room with his PA when his PA was about to open the door when he heard something interesting coming from inside. The girl was telling them what she found out and was telling them what she would do. Woo Bin was impress that she had ball to threaten the most fearful parents he ever saw and he is lucky not one of those parents.

"Who is she?" said Woo Bin.

"Yang Nana an orphan who just got a scholarship."

"Orphan..not bad she really have ball to said that to them." said Woo Bin when suddenly the door open and someone knock him. When they collide, something drop on the floor and making the person who collide with him start to look for it for what she was looking for, when he saw it he felt something very familiar about the ring. He saw a ring that he had given to someone special a very long time ago. A custom made couple rings that he had made, a special symbol of the both him and her. Nana tool the ring and kiss it.

"Who is she and how did she have it?" said Woo Bin while looking at Nana.

"Nana let's go!!!" said Chul Woo while Nana bow in respect of Woo Bin before walking with Chul Woo.

"Find her.... find where is she now?" said Woo Bin has he felt his heart was beating very fast. He felt something was wrong now that he saw the ring that belong to someone he love.

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