IV: The apprentice

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The temple that resided in the center of the major city of Exodus towered over all surrounding buildings. The outside built like a impenetrable fortress, its defences not all mechanical though. A legion of shadow coloured troopers guarded the keep. The entrance was suited for a god it's doors wider then any built by the Jedi. The inside modernized and trapped for unwanted visitors, the many halls filled with troopers waiting for un unexpected foe to show up. The walls we're a mix of dark grey and metallic grey. The lights that light up these gasping hallways we're tainted lightly blue. In the center a throne room. Banners and trophies covered the rooms gold walls. The floor covered in a velvet red. At the throne sat a person, he wore a dark black cape and armour almost like the troopers, but his was decorated. Ever line was carefully cut every edge trimmed. Each design made in the finest detail. His face, his face covered by a masked helmet. He was not alone a group of highly decorated golden soldiers stud at his side. There weaponry ranging from the ancient viroblade to the advanced heavy blasters. Each guard carried a unique helmet and armour. The man in black sat quietly in his throne meditating, his visions blurred a crash. A Jedi rising to fight against him, a republic fleet. His chuckle filled the silenced room,"Mhm...Get me my master..." The man in black commanded. Quickly two of his guards walked in front of him both pressing down on the alter that erected in the middle of the room. A blue figured glimmered from the hologram, it was Count Duku. The man in black rose kickly stepping down from his thrown and kneeling,"Master I bring news" His voice altered from his mask covered his identity. " Ah Darth Vex rise, and of what news do you bring ?" Duku asked. Darth Vex stud and immediately spoke not waisting time,"This world is soon going to be set under siege, a republic fleet approches. My vision has showed me that a group of clones and a Jedi are to turn the war here..." Vex was interrupted before he could continue." If this is so then we must think of a strategy, you must finish you're mission here before you let the Jedi take this temple. We canot have all these resources have been for nothing. For now stay at the temple once you have finished you're training leave at let the Republic think they've won. " Vex bowed humbly. " It will be done, however this Jedi on this planet is nothing like iv'e sensed before... Somethings different. I would like to face her" Vex asked his thrust for knowledge had caused his downfall once and it could again. The count's face frowned quickly knowing Vex wasn't ready,"No, you are not ready. You're battle meditation is more important to our cause right now. Until you're training is finished do not leave the capital!" His voice boomed against the walls causing even the golden warriors to shake. " Yes it will be done" As the blue holographic light faded away the wall lights illuminated the golden room. " Prepare my transport... it's time to meet this new Jedi."Darth Vex stood in the middle of the room. His battle meditation practice could wait first he had to feed his thrust for knowledge.

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