VI: Crash course

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" Im loosing control of the ship..." The pilot yelled through the coms. The ship started to pivot towards the ground for no apparent reason. Darth Vex stud at the edge of one of the long defence walls. " And now you're Hero's are lost" He chuckled forcing the Transport down to the ground an explosion that shook the ground for miles. A golden warrior walked up behind Vex kneeling as he got five feet away," My lord Count Duku has requested you're presence he is not pleased my lord" The golden warrior spoke briefly waiting for his master to let him go. Vex turned around sighing and nodding " Thank you. I shall Arrive shortly...I couldn't leave this planets fate to pure chance" Vex smirked walking away. " Send the third battalion to search the crash site for any survivors...I'm sure the droids could use some target practice. " The golden warrior nodded" Yes my lord" Vex looked back chuckling"Sorry rise warrior we have things to do" Vex stated knowing that Duku had other plans for him now.

As the crash site burnt a dim light in the darkening Jungle. "Ergh..." Legion grunted his hands pushing away a piece of the ship that had landed on him. As the last strands of lights shinned against the dirty white and red armour the clone sighed in defeat as he looked around for the others. The trooper quickly ran over to Phantom who was barely able to stand using his long sniper as a crutch,"Erhm....Wh....At...happened...why'd...we crash?" He asked Reaper who barely stud up was already helping Phantom," easy.." Phantom grunted as Reaper put his arm over his shoulder."Where's Archangle ??" He asked his breaths getting heavier. As Legion moved ship part after ship part each left him empty handed. " I can't find them ..." Legion rapidly went from yelling to almost whispering. Shepard laid beside a tree a trail of blood marked his struggle. He sat at against the tree his helmet next to him and his blaster primed. The three troopers walked over the the medic Phantom shaking his head." Should have never let the naive come" Reaper scoffed to Phantom hating this mission before it had started. Legion looked over at Reaper," If you didn't want to be here then why did you come!" Reaper looked back at Legion his fist tightening "I made a fight with Phantom no matter what...Through the thickest bloody forest to the coldest desserts." Reaper pointed out. Phantom sighed and put his hand on Reaper's shoulder" Easy...Reaper i know this pains you more then us to see this...but we got to push let's find Archangle and will complete this mission for them." Phantom had a way with words that even inspired the narrow minded." Alright ...." Reaper said rubbing his visor disappointed . As the troopers turn back towards the crashed ship they spot there sharpshooter. His hand gripped onto a piece of branch as he smacks into the moist dirt. " Archangle" Legion yelled walking over to the trooper, he just kept digging. Legion yelled again this time Phantom yelled too. But he just kept digging and digging. As the troopers got next to him Legion patted him on the back "Archangle you alright?" Archangle through his stick to the side walking over to the pilots corpse. Archangle carefully puts the body to the bottom of the hole. " We must honour those who gave there lives to get us this far. " Archangle we have to complete are mission will have time to mourn the dead latter... First we have to avenge their deaths" Phantom tried to get Archangle to stop burring the pilot. Archangle grabbed his sniper after he had finished. "Now...I'm done.." He said briefly before heading into the jungle. " do we just fallow him?" Reaper asked helping Phantom to walk still" Yea...grab a weapon and let's head out.

As Bastille ran through the dense jungle she finally spotted her two troopers. Crasher was finally strong enough to stand without help. " Ma'am you're injured !!" Fog quickly noticed as she stopped in front of them."I'll be fine....but you two are trained to fly not to fight " Bastille pointed out not wanting them to leave their comfort zone right now. " Yes but ma'am ..." Fog tried to argue their capabilities but was cut off" Not yet ...right now I want you two to head to the crash site quickly... See if anyone survived if they did escort them to our crash site and send up a flare. The Republic fleet will get here soon" She explained as she was also using this time to catch her breath. The two troopers quickly stud at attention and saluted her" Yes Ma'am" They said as they started to walk off towards the crash site. Bastille panted as she contemplated the events that had just unfolded the adrenalin leaving her system finally. She looked down at her lightsaber gripping it tightly"I won't fail again" She mutter to herself . After a few moments for her body to regenerate it's strength she ran off into the caving forest. The further she ran into this forest the lighter it became she soon ran out of forest to run in. As the last tree passed to her right she stopped at looked in awe at the massive Fortress in front of her. The green field ran all the way up to the walls of the fort. The once beautiful Capital of Exodus had been turned into an un impenetrable fortress. Each civilian a hostage behind dense steely walls. The sun shined off the walls making an almost blinding target.

Archangle placed his sniper against a leaning branch. His body perked against the closest tree to the fortress. " What does are Jedi we're looking for looks like? " He asked as he adjusted his scope to aim onto the blurry figure standing so proudly." I don't know...erhm...It's a Jedi named ehrm...probably human....and probably a girl" Phantom said as he was barely able to walk alone. " Well the targets a little far and this sight is slightly broken so i can't tell if it's her" Archangle said as his finger slowly moved onto the trigger. "Wait where?" Reaper asked pulling out a pair of Macrobinoculars. "150 North" Archangle said as he adjusted his shoulder slightly." Wait...don't fire...I think that's our Jedi" Reaper pointed out smirking putting his equipment away. Archangle put his sniper down sighing" To bad it was the perfect shot...the sun light up the target just enough the scope broken each breath counting.." Archangle smirked as he stud up. "Mrhm...The Jedi would have deflected it though" Legion pointed out"Enough you two...Let's go and get her.."

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