XVII: Rishi moon

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Rishi moon was a compilation of a few fresh clones with a seasoned sergeant and two members of the 225th. The 25th squad led by Knox was overfilled during the heat of the beginning of the war on Exodus and then Crystophsis. They we're over two troops and sent them to the Rishi station to give a helping had. The obvious choice was Mantis he didn't sit well in the squad and with the death of Frost and Helex KIA Raven asked to be transferred. Mantis sat across from his comrade of the 225th they had just gotten back from doing a sweep of the area. Mantis started to play with his knife as Raven sat back listening to the radio watching two of their squad mates arm wrestle. One of the clones started to complain about how they wanted to see some action,"Oh no you don't Heavy. I've seen clones with twice you're strength go down" Raven pointed out causing heavy to chuckled and sit down. Matis hit Raven on the shoulder,"Let the rookies dream." Raven rolled his eyes. All was relaxing until the Sergeant stepped in, one of their squad mates quickly stud to attention stating the obvious,"Sergeant on floor."Everyone stud up including Mantis his hand trying to slowly put it away. Raven stared at the Sergeant started to say how important the outpost was explaining the clones importance to be here. Mantis relaxed to ask a question about the inspection,"Sir is it just Rex and Cody?" The Sergeant nodded his head,"Yea Bishop wanted to come but was wounded in the battle of Tibrin don't worry he's fine and from what I heard no one you knew from the 25th we're deployed. " Mantis nodded,"Si..." As Mantis was about to speak up an alarm went off. The sergeant looked over at Echo who rushed over to the consol,"Just another meteor shower." The Sergeant quickly ordered Echo to raise the shields as normal. Droid bait grabbed his helmet and stepped outside saying something that neither Mantis or Raven heard. Raven yawned and grabbed Mantis's helmet tossing it towards it before putting on his,"Wanna go clean the weapons locker?" Raven asked. Mantis shook his head,"I'm headed to the barracks to drop off this" He twirled his knife and walked off Raven walked over to the armoury grabbing a pistol holster,"Always wanted one of these." He attached it to his belt and grabbed a pistol holstering it. Mantis opened his locker hiding his knife under his cloths. As Mantis closed his locker he froze his heart started to race as he heard blaster shots run through the base. Raven quickly sprinted out of the weapons locker without grabbing another weapon wasn't exactly smart on his behalf but he wasn't thinking. Mantis looked left and right confused to what to do. He ran out into the hall. Heavy waved the two clones down to run over. As they got to the air shaft Mantis quickly jumped in falling on Echo. Raven jumped next as Heavy closed the grill behind them. As the six clones stud up looking left and right. Raven looked over at Mantis,"Blast it what the heak happened?" Echo looked over at Fives,"The sepies took us by surprise they got the serge and and droid bait."Heavy sighed his fist tightening,"We should keep moving those blasted eels like an easy meal " Mantis pointed out as the clones continued to walk. Echo spoke up first,"This is bad man.....this is bad" Raven patted the rookies shoulder,"Will be fine me an Mantis here fought on Crystophsis we know how these droids think. Ain't th" One of the many eels managed to sneak up behind the clones grabbing cutup. Raven quickly pulled up his blaster trying to aim for the eels eye. It was to fast as both heavy and Echo tried to take the eel down it only scratched it plating before disapearing. Raven holstered his pistol and nodded,"what are we going to do about Rex and Cody they'll walk right into a trap if we don't help them" Mantis pulled out a flaire gun tossing it towards Heavy. Mantis spoke up soon after,"I can't seem to reach them on the coms but that flaire should do the trick." Heavy loaded a droid attack shell into it and fired it into the sky. Mantis and Raven ducked as they heard a blaster shot,"Was that ours?" Heavy asked as they hugged the rock. Mantis shrugged his shoulders,"Not sure kid not sure." As soon as the clones we're about to relax more blaster fire came out along with a massive explosion. Raven stepped back dogging some debris. As Raven knelt down coughing out the fumes of the wreckage. Mantis grabbed his brother pulling him out of the smoke. As the five clones emerged out of the debris they we're greeted by Rex and Cody holding blasters up towards them. Rex yelled at them as soon as they we're out of the smoke"Helmets off now!" Mantis looked over at Raven who shrugged his shoulder the clones pulled off their helmets quickly. Mantis was in a bit of a need to shave but Raven had bleached his hair like Helex used to.
If things weren't bad enough the eel was back. Before Raven could even touch his blaster Rex had landed the eye shot that he had missed,"Nice shooting"Exclaimed heavy.Rex nodded and walked over to the eel pressing his palm against its bloodied eye,"I'm Captain Rex you'll call me captain or sir." The five clones stud at attention,"Sir yes sir" they shouted. Cody then introduced himself,"I'm Commander Cody same goes for me." Rex walked up to the group of clones,"You are" Fives started " I'm CT-5555.." Before he could say anything else Heavy interrupted him"He's fives. That's echo,Mantis and Raven I'm Heavy" Rex looked particularly at the three rookies. "So its mostly shinnies" Echo spoke up next"Shinnies?" Rex replied placing his hand against Echo's breast plate."You're armour its shinny and new, just like you." Heavy was almost jumping in excitement. "Shinny or not sir we're ready to take back our base" Mantis looked over at Raven,"I have a bad feeling about this " Raven nodded in agreement,"For once I agree with you" As they headed towards the door Raven looked over at Mantis who was holding a breaching charge in case things didn't work,"Like hell their gonna buy this." Rex walked up to the camera. The droids we're already suspicious about Rex's voice as he tried to imitate one of them. The commando droids asked to see his face plate and that was when Raven thought this hole thing was going to fail. As Rex knelt down and held up the head of one of the destroyed commando droids to his surprise the blast doors opened and Rex pointed a blaster pistol to one of their chests saying,"Roger Roger" He pulled the trigger and Cody took out the other two. As the seven clones rushed up the stairs to the command center. Raven just kept pulling the trigger on his pistol at the end the droids we're laying on the floor destroyed. "Not so tough now are you sparky " Heavy yelled at one of the downed droids. Raven kicked on of their heads,"They might have tougher armour but they can't fix their stupidity" Mantis chuckled. Rex order the men to get to the window seeing a CIS fleet,"Just like that time on Crystophsis remember" Mantis just nodded. Raven looked over to heavy patting him on the shoulder,"You've always said you wanted to be on the front lines. Well looks like the front lines came to you"Rex looked back at Five who was struggling to get rid of the all clear signal. "Sir they've comprised the tech I'll need a few minutes to get this fixed. " Rex shook his head,"We don't have a few minutes...alright everyone grab as many termal detonators and .." Cody cut Rex off,"It's gonna take more then a couple of well placed detonators to take this place out. " Heavy nodded,"Yea...the base if heated with bacta year round "Cody looked over at Rex,"And that's quiet explosive" The men ran back down lining up in front of Cody and Rex. Rex walked passed his troops,"Alright men we have our mission, this place may not seem important but this base is key in republic victory if we lose this base the separatist can get get to any of the core worlds before we can do anything. One of those worlds is Kamino, it's the closets thing to home we clones have so today we're fighting for more then just the republic today we're fighting for all our brothers back home" The clones nodded and grabbed theirs helmets running towards the armour to equip something bigger then a pistol. Wasp quickly grabbed a blaster rifle and headed to his locker grabbing his knife. as heavy grabbed the heavy repeating blaster Raven chuckled,"Darn I wanted that one" Heavy quickly replied spinning it's barrel,"This ones mine" Cody passed a rifle to Five and shook his head,"A big gun doesn't make a big man" The clones got ready at the front door as one of the droid landing crafts took the place of the destroyed Nu-gunship. Mantis looked over at Raven as the droids slowly marched up to the front door. Raven just nodded and passed Mantis his blaster pulling out a grenade. As the doors opened slowly heavy stepped out in the middle spinning up his heavy blaster. The droids jumped back surprised and Heavy yelled out,"You didn't say please." The droids closets to the door we're the first to go down as soon as they we're taken out Raven lobbed a few thermal detonators onto the anding pad taking out a few droids. Mantis went to through Raven his blaster back before a blaster shot hit his knee causing him to collapse. Raven quickly pulled out his blaster pistol and ran over to Mantis who struggled on the floor to get up. The blast door soon closed and the clones headed up to the command deck where Rex was having some difficulties. Raven laid Mantis beside the vent as he slid it open. Mantis chuckled and tightened his hand on his blaster,"didn't think i'd die on this blasted station. Raven looked down at his buddy,"We're almost out of here we're gonna make it." Mantis shook his head an pointed to the charges,"Look theirs something wrong with them someone has to saty behind...Heavy go don't worry I'll look after this after all I know tech better then you." Rex looked at the two and Mantis who just nodded. Raven helped his busy over to the charges and laid him down as the rest of the squad slipped away. "Raven...This is it hun...? blast doesn't get any better...Thought I'd die on Crystophsis....never thought we'd get out of their..." Raven grabbed the dog tags and knife he handed his fellow squad mate,"Sorry Mantis" Mantis pulled off his helmet revealing his bald head,"Just go already Raven I can hear them coming up the steps." Raven nodded and ran over to the vent sliding down it's dusty tunnels for the last time. As he landed on the rock where he stumbled he looked up at the base and over at Rex,"sorry sir" Raven said but his words we're muffled out as the base hopped up in a bright orange and red flame. Heavy shook his head,"That was one hell of a clone." Soon after the republic fleet arrived scaring off the CIS invasion force.

Raven jumped out of bed panting looking left and right his hand gripping where his pistol would be. He rubbed his forehead while his other hand pulled out two photo's. One of the photo's was the squad he was posted with in the 225th the names of each soldier we're on the back. Those who had fallen in combat we're highlighted with red the names that popped out. Roger, Frost, Cobalt, Helex and now ex member Mantis. He flipped over to the next photo of his new squad in the 501st. Echo,Fives and Heavy we're he ones he trusted most.

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