The Lake - Chapter 2

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"Kakarot, where on this damned planet are you taking me?" Vegeta asked irritably, as he followed Kakarot Kami know where.

"I already said, it's a surprise!" He responded, smiling.

Vegeta 'hmph'ed as he flew and looked away from the other. When Goku came to an abrupt halt, Vegeta slammed straight into his back, as he had been flying behind him. They both went crashing to the ground.

"What's wrong with you, baka?!" Vegeta shouted angrily.

"S-Sorry," Goku managed to gasp out between laughter.

Vegeta glared at a random tree in the distance.

"But look behind you." he heard Kakarot say in a strange tone.

When Vegeta turned around, he saw one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen.

(End FlashBack)

  That had been over a year ago. He and Kakarot had spent a majority of their day there. Now, Kakarot was missing and that lake was the only place he could think of that the clown might be.

  Goku and Chichi had been divorced for awhile now(everything was fine between them), everything was fine between him and his kids, and nothing seemed to be bothering him, so Vegeta couldn't fathom why he would just, randomly, go missing.

  When Vegeta reached the lake, he immediatly spotted Goku. He was laying curled up on his side, beside the lake. When Vegeta landed next to Goku, he realized he was asleep.

  'The damned baka has been sleeping when every bodies been worried sick about him?!' Vegeta thought angrily.

  He was about to throw a Ki ball and the morons head, when he noticed something was off. Kakarot smelt strange. Vegeta leant over to get a better look, and smell, of Goku and immediatly took a step back, stunned.

  Vegeta moved to sit on the ground, about eight feet away from Goku, and crossed his arms over his chest. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridged of nose, while sighing in frustration. Vegeta's first thought was 'Why did I have to be the one to find the baka?', but his second was 'No, it's better I found him than someone else, since they wouldn't understand what's going on.'

  The moron was in heat, and Vegeta knew his options were very limited. 1. He could leave Kakarot here, 2. He could lock him up back at the house in a room, or 3. He could stay here with him.

  He vetoed the second option and was seriously considering the first. Vegeta knew the third option was considerable, but he knew what that would most likely lead to.

  Vegeta, suddenly,had the feeling he was being watched. He opened his eyes to see Goku, sitting butterfly style, staring at him.

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