Chapter 4 - Breakfast Gone Wrong

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  Goku awoke to the sound of a high pitched ringing. Groaning, he sat up in the bed and looked down at Vegeta, who lay next to him glaring, with his eyes shut, obviously trying to block out the irritating noise. Goku sighed and answered the call. A bright screen light up and was a harsh contrast to the dark room. Goku squinted for a moment as his eyes adjusted.

  When his eyes finally adjusted, he was greeted by the sight of his obviously pissed off older sister, glaring at him from the large screen. Crap.

  "Um, hi," He said, some what nervously.

  "Hi?" Reka asked in a very irritated voice.

  "Uh," He hesitated for a moment, "Is something wrong?"

  "Why don't you tell me cause the kids woke up before us and decided to make fucking breakfast and destroyed the damn kitchen!," she seethed, "The three of us woke to the sound of shattering glass and pans being dropped!"

  Goku gapped at what she was saying and heard Vegeta growl next to him. The noise was getting on his nerves.

  "And if you think that's bad, then you should have seen what we found when we got down to the kitchen! Hell, that place looked like Namek just before it got blown to shit! Not to mention the kids were a total mess!," Reka was beyond pissed and her long hair had started to flash gold.

  Vegeta did not like being woke up and was more than annoyed by her yelling. He growled and sat up glaring at the woman on the screen.

  "Would you stop your damn shouting!" He snapped at her.

  She glared right back at him with out even flinching.

  "Since Kakarot's obviously no longer in heat would you PLEASE come get your children," She said more than asked.

  Vegeta looked at her stunned for a second,"Wait, you knew?!" He gapped.

  "Of course I knew, I didn't even have to look into the present or future to know that," She replied, looking at Vegeta as if he were stupid.

  "OK, we'll be over to get them soon," Goku quickly shot in hearing Vegeta growl next to him.

  "Good, I'll see you later the-"

   She was interrupted by what sounded like Nail shouting "Get your asses back in the bath right now" followed by Goten screaming "RUN!" and Piccolo Shouting "The hell are you two doing!!".

  "I gotta go." Reka quickly said, ending the transmission.

  Goku stared at the blank screen and sweat dropped. From the sounds of it Goten and Trunks were getting into even more trouble. Which probably wasn't the best idea considering Reka wasn't afraid to knock them over the head.

  Goku got out of bed and started getting some clothes on, followed by Vegeta. As they left Goku's home near the mountains, Vegeta did not look happy.

~(^-^~) ~(^-^~) ~(^-^~) ~(^-^~) ~(^-^~) ~(^-^~)

  They arrived in front of the large house a few minutes later and walked into the living room to see Goten and Trunks sitting, facing the wall, with quiet the bumps on their heads. Goku couldn't help but flinch. He knew how hard Reka could punch and man did it HURT. His sister stood in front of the two of them glaring.

  'Speak of the devil' Goku thought.

  Vegeta chuckled next to him,"Literally,"He smirked to Goku.

  He smiled at Vegeta. He had forgotten he and Vegeta could hear and feel what the other was feeling and thinking through their knew bond.

  "Ahem. Still here."

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