The Lake - Chapter 3

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  "Hey Geta, What's up?" He asked, as if everything was fine.

  "So, Kakarot, why don't you tell me what you're doing here." Vegeta almost growled.

Goku scratched his head confused,"Ya know, I'm not really sure."

  "Do you even know you're in heat?" Vegeta asked annoyed.

  "Huh?",Goku tilted his head to the side,"What's that?"

  "It's something every Sayian goes through every 3 to 6 years caused by the pheromones released by their tail and it tells other Sayians they want to mate," Vegeta explained, "and since you now have your tail, you can go into heat."

  "Well that explains a lot," Goku said, with his typically Son smile.

  "BAKA, THIS IS SERIOUS!!" Vegeta snapped angrily.

  "Sorry, you don't have to yell," Goku mumbled, pouting.

  Vegeta closed his eyes and massaged his temples. 'Kakarot shouldn't be acting like this he should be... be..'

  Goku was now acting how Vegeta knew he should've been. He was, in fact, on his hands and knees, with his ass in the air, kissing Vegeta.

  Goku, suddenly, found himself throw onto the ground on his back and Vegeta was now standing, where he'd only been sitting moments ago. Vegeta chuckled darkly, looking down at Kakarot, and was, suddenly, on top of Goku.

  "Let me show you what being in heat does to your body", Vegeta whispered in Goku's ear.

  Goku's eyes were wide, slightly from worry and the rest from surprise, he had never seen Vegeta like this.

  Vegeta was already seated between Goku's legs, and couldn't help but, smugly, note how Kakarot had conveniently landed with them wide open. Vegeta pressed one leg against Goku's crotch, causing him to gasp.

  Suddenly, without warning, Goku's shirt was ripped from his body. Before he even got the chance to say anything, Vegeta was kissing him and holding him by the hips. Just as quickly as Vegeta had begun to kiss him, he stopped. Goku leaned up to make a complaint, only to slam the back of his head into the ground, as Vegeta began suckling his right nipple and playing with the other. Goku panted and gasped helplessly, as he arched up into the contact and tangled his hands in Vegeta's hair. Vegeta took his time in moving onto the other, enjoying the sounds coming from Kakarot.

  Vegeta then moved onto Kakarot's neck, kissing, licking, biting, and sucking on it. Goku pressed his legs to Vegeta's sides, and Vegeta roughly pressed his groin against Goku's. He gasped on pleasure then surprise, as Vegeta ripped the rest of his clothes from his, already to hot, body and removed his own shirt.

  Goku moaned and clawed at the ground as Vegeta began to play with his, oh so sensitive, tail. Vegeta then ran his tongue from Goku's lower stomachs to his collar bone, as Kakarot mewled beneath him. Vegeta removed the rest of his own clothing and pressed his aching erection against Goku's. Goku moaned and began grinding himself against Vegeta.

  Goku heard Vegeta growl but didn't completely register it, until he found his hands pinned on either side of his head. Goku blinked up at Vegeta, who was glaring and baring his teeth at him. He also noticed Vegeta's canines were elongated, but didn't get the chance to ponder it as Vegeta pressed his cock against his ass. Kakarot wrapped his tail around himself and Vegeta and pressed himself against his prince.

  Vegeta wrapped his tail slightly below Kakarot's hips, then slammed deep into him. Goku let out a loud scream, not from pain but from ecstasy. Goku moaned loudly as Vegeta began to slowly move against him.

  "More." Goku panted out.

  Vegeta released his arms and moved his hands to grip Kakarot's waist. Goku dug his fingers into Vegeta's shoulder blades as he began moving harder and faster.

  "Ahh- Vegeta- Mmn- HARDER!" Goku screamed.

  Vegeta began slamming into him harder and faster than Goku even thought possible. suddenly, he gave a high pitched scream as Vegeta hit his prostate. knowing exactly what he had just done, Vegeta kept hitting that same spot.

  Goku felt Vegeta sink his teeth into the junction between his shoulder and throat, and that was the end for him. Goku came onto their stomachs, screaming Vegeta's name. Vegeta groaned and came deep inside Kakarot.

  Both collapsed where they were.

  Goku was in such bliss, that he wouldn't have cared or noticed is the planet was destroyed. What brought him back to reality was Vegeta licking the deep bite he'd left.

  "What are you doing?" Goku asked.

  "If I don't, it won't be healed by the time we go back," Vegeta said, looking at him as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

  "So, why'd you do that anyway?" Goku asked.

  "By doing so, I marked you as mine," Vegeta explained,"You'll do the same to me at some point while you're in heat, which could range from a couple s to a week."

   Goku began to think about what he had just been told and didn't notice the devious smile forming on Vegeta's lips.

  "Kakarooot," Vegeta purred, as he climbed up onto Goku's stomach.

  All Goku could do was stare, as Vegeta leaned forward, continuing to pur. Vegeta slowly wrapped his tail around Goku's already growing erection and chuckled.

  Vegeta leaned down," My turn now," he whispered in to Goku's ear, as he pressed himself down onto Kakarot's member.

  All Goku was do was pray this would never end.

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