Chapter 6 - I'm what?!

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  Panic, shock,  and confusion were the things Vegeta could suddenly  feel coming from Kakarot, through their bond. This left him utterly confused and worried. Vegeta was no longer paying attention to the kids, as they play sparred, as he wauted to feel Kakarot calm down. The panic fades away, while the confusion and shock stayed.

  Vegeta was quite aware that Kakarot had gone to see his sister today and that he had not been feeling his best, as of late. As Vegeta pondered, some what frustrated, what could have caused those emotions, Trunks cell began to ring.

  "Hello?"Trunks said, into the phone,"Uh, sure."

  The boy handed the phone to his father saying,"It's for you."

  "What?" He said gruffly into the phone.

  "Always nice to  talk to you to, Vegeta,"Bulma replied sarcastically, only to get a growl in response, "Anyways, I need you to come to Capsule Corp."

  "Why."He asked, some what irritated.

  "Well, I've got Goku and Reka and we've found something I think you wanna see,"Bulma replied, nonchalantly.

  At the mention of Kakarot's name, he thought back to what he was feeling from his mate earlier. This had to have something to do with it.

  "I'm on my way."He grunted, before ending the call and tossing the phone back to Trunks.

  Piccolo and Nail could handle the kids, right now he needed to get to Kakarot.


  Goku could swear he felt his heart stop as soon as the words left his friends mouth. He couldn't be pregnant. He was a man, men can't get pregnant...right?

   He had a million questions but came out was,"I'm what?"

  "Pregnant, Goku,"She stated,"Ya know, like, with a baby?"

  "No, No I get that but...." He trailed off.

  "Kakarot,"Reka said, finally speaking up,"Do you remember what I told you earlier about our parents?"

  That's right, their mother had been male, male sayians were capable of having children. He was a male Sayian, and he had been having sex with Vegeta, which meant he could get pregnant. Having been raised on Earth, this was still a confusing concept to him.

  He so deep in thought, he didn't hear Bulma say she was going to call Vegeta, as she went out into the hall, closing the door behind her.

  "Kakarot, are you alright?"Reka asked him softly.

  "Yeah, just a little shocked and confused," He responded.

  She chuckled softly and patted his leg comfortingly. He and Vegeta were the only family she had left, other than her children and nephews. Their parents, siblings, uncles, and aunt were all long since dead.  Not only that but she had lost many lovers and close friends in her life. All in all, she'd had the hardest life of anyone he knew, even Vegeta.

  Most people would never know that just from looking at her. He knew she would be there for him through this though. Bulma walked back into the room complaining about grumpy princes having no patience or manners.

  "Of all the rude things to do..."She grumbled before turning to them,"So I called Trunks and Vegeta was grumpy as ever-"

  "You did what?!" Goku panicked.

  Just then, Vegeta stormed into the room.

  "Well, speak of the devil!"Bulma said, throwing her arms into the air.

  Vegeta could feel the panick coming from Kakarot and he wanted to know why.

  "What's wrong?" he asked no one in particulat.

  "Nothing's wrong, Vegeta." Reka stated calmly.

  "In fact, Vegeta, you're going to be a-"Bulma started but stopped when she saw the stern look coming from  Reka.

  "I'm what?!" he snapped feeling very out of the loop.

  "A daddy. She was going to say, you're going to be a daddy."Goku said, looking into Vegeta's eyes, looking completely vunerable.

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