The ending

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Third POV
After Rosa and izzy finished kissed they said how they feel about each other and Rosa said that she didn't want to go and izzy agreed.

They went back to the kitchen where everyone is and before they could say anything Tessa spoke.

"We aren't going to go to our place we are going to get a house in this area so we can see them everyday" Tessa smile. The only reason Tessa did that was because she knew that Rosa wanted to stay with izzy so they could have a relationship.

Izzy and Rosa was so happy and they sat down and talk to the others and told them they have feels for one another. Magnus, Alec and Tessa all said;
"I know" and laughed.

So in the end Tessa and Rosa got a place not to far for Magnus apartment so they can see each other everyday like Tessa said while also giving Alec and Magnus privacy to be together.

Rosa and izzy don't know how there relationship will go but they are taking it one step at a time.

The end

And follow me

~ Ashlee

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