Act 4: Not Just Acting

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3 days later

October 13, 2017

It's the opening night of the play to say I was nervous would be understatement. I keep fidgeting in my chair and play with the hem of my dress.

"Gwen please stop fidgeting I can't finish your hair if you keep doing that. Dear you'll do fine from what I hear Jared and the rest of the crew say your a natural. You've got this. I am done your hair let me grab the make up you can relax for 5 mins.
I grab my bottle of Dr Pepper on that's on the vanity and take a sip. The one thing that has always calmed me down other than listening to my fave band Skillet which I listened to this morning.

Shannon comes back with make up palette she than applies the make up on me.

Once the make up is done a P.A pop his head.

5 mins to show Gwen get on stay asap.the P.A.said.

I walk over to the stage and quickly get into place and the Narrator starts off.

One day while on the way to work James, a business man and Sarah, a writer crash into each other in the park on an autumn day. Little did they know it would be the start  of an  epic romance.

The curtain rises.

Crashed into my Life

Scene one:

James is on his bicycle going faster than normal because he's late for work. He doesn't notice Sarah jogging.


Sarah falls onto the ground.

" Jeez walk where you going. If you broke anything you are paying for it." Sarah said

James helps Sarah up.

"I am sorry I was running late to work and my boss hates it when I am late

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"I am sorry I was running late to work and my boss hates it when I am late. The names James" James said.

"Apology expected I can understand bosses being like that mines up tight too. The names Sarah. I don't mind such handsome guy crashing into me. I've got to get back to my run and you don't want to be too late to work. See you James." Sarah said.

"Bye beautiful." James replied.

James rides off on his bike and Sarah continues on her run.

Little did they know that would be the start of something magical.

End of Scene 1

Scene 2 first date:

James pulls up to my house with flowers in his hand.

"These are for you beautiful ." James said and hands me the red roses

" They are gorgeous. let me go put these into some water." I replied.

We head off to the date afterwards.

Even though James comes from money he doesn't like to flash it around.

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