Gwen a woman who has trust issues suddenly become the audio engineer for a play. The male lead turns out to be her favourite actor Jared Padalecki the actor who plays Sam Winchester on her favourite show Supernatural. This chance encounter chang...
Yesterday Jared had to go back to Vancouver to shoot Supernatural. I miss him like crazy.
I've only been with him a month but I know love when I feel it. We video chat every night after he finished filming even with the 3 hr time difference.
I am walking back to my apartment from the grocery store.
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I get pulled into the alley
It's my former crush Maddox.
I just stare at him in shock
" What the heck are you doing Maddox." I said.
" I know you are having fun with your little boyfriend but here's the thing my father wants me to settle down or I don't get my company and I've picked you to be my wife. Maddox said.
"You must have got a few screws loose I'd never marry you . I said. I kick him where the sun don't shine.
"You will be mine Gwen mark my words." Maddox said as he struggles to get up
I race back to apartment.
I quickly put my groceries away and than I turned on my laptop. I am eagerly awaiting Jared's video chat with Jared on Skype.
I smile when I see Jared's calling.
I quickly hit the accept call button.
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" Hi sweetheart it's good to hear from you. You won't believe how busy my day was. We had to shoot overtime because Misha wouldn't stop goofing off. How I was your day?" Jared said
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" I had a good day sweetie I went grocery shopping. It wasn't all good though I had a scary run in with former crush turns out he convinced that'll marry him because his dad's pushing him to settle down." I replied.
" Gwen I don't want you to get hurt or kidnapped you are moving in with me to Vancouver where you'll be safe. Don't argue with me that'll it's too soon we'll be in separate bedrooms if that makes you feel better." Jared said.
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" Jared are you sure you can just hire me a bodyguard I mean my whole lifes here I can't just pick up and leave. I replied.
" Honey we can come back to your apartment during the weekends and holidays. I refuse to let you stay there alone. I know you have your whole life there but you safety is my main concern. I don't want you in danger my place has an alarm and guards patrolling it. I'll come by to grab your stuff this weekend. I love you and I just want to keep you safe." Jared said.
I can understand why he wants me with him now. Wait did he just say he loves me it's the first time he's said. My heart skips a beat at the thought of it.
" Jared honey I understand I'll move in with you. I love you too. It's getting late I better head to bed I've got a project to do and you've got work to do tomorrow too." I replied.
" Yeah it is I love you and stay safe." Jared said and blows me a kiss.