Chapter 1

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"I guess that's the guys" as the continuous ringing of the doorbell finally stops. I let out a sigh, they haven't even entered the house and they're annoying me..
Listening in on the front hallway, I hear voices admiring the house and all its features.
"Woah~ this house is massive!" Vernon admired, his mouth slightly agar.
"Yeah it's even bigger than our old house" frozen from amazement, Dino looks around the room spotting every little thing he can.
"How did our parents even get this place" Hoshi added, looking around astonished.
"It's an old friends house actually" a voice appeared from behind, startling the group of boys.
Out of his dazed state Joshua was first in greeting the figure now in front of them.
"Mum!" dropping his bags, he jogs towards the older woman and gives her a hug. The others snapping out of their day dreams, start to greet their mother as well.
"Hey I want a hug too~" Seungkwan feeling the lack of attention pushes passed his brothers to hug his mother.
"Nuh-ah not so fast young one" suddenly pulled back from his spot, he's pushed to the side by Mingyu.
"I'm only younger than you by a year!" He shouts at his brother, glaring at his tall figure.


Done with their hugs and greetings, Seokmin gives his mother a questioning look as everyone sits down in the living room.
"So Mum, how did you get this house anyways?" All the boys now interested nod their heads towards their mother, awaiting an answer.
"Well actually it's a friend of your father and I's house, they thought that it would be better for us to be here since it's much bigger than our other house" she explained with a smile on her face.
"Wait so if we're living here then where are they staying?" Asks Jeonghan
"Wait so if we're living here then where are they staying?"
Geez, these guys like asking questions..
Not wanting to here Jae Eun's reply, i plug my headphones in and close my eyes, blocking out all the noises around me.


"Okay, boys your rooms are on the second floor, there are five rooms for pairs and one room for a three so choose whomever you want to share with and if you need anything Leehan can help you" their mother finished explaining, moving her head in the direction of an average height girl with brown hair and a well groomed fringe. She bowed 90 degrees and introduced herself,
"Hello I'm Leehan, if you need anything don't hesitate to ask me" she spoke with a wide smile that showed her teeth, making her eyes disappear completely. After finishing what she needed to do, she bowed again. The boys watched as she exited through the living room doors.
"She's pretty! Is she a maid here? We've never had a maid before?" Dino said, questioning the lady who sat across the group with a tea on her lap, she shook her head with a smile.
"She is pretty isn't she! She's a lovely hard working girl and my little helper-" suddenly Seungkwan interrupted, "a little helper whose taller than you? That makes sense" some of the boys stifle a laugh, while others just stared at their brother.
"Well yes she IS taller than me but lets just forget about that Seungkwan" Jae eun smirking, eyes off her cheeky son while sipping her tea. Forgetting about Seungkwan's remark, she goes back to Dino's unanswered questions.
"And Dino i know we've never had a maid, but Lee Han actually has been living here since the previous owners and couldn't move with them so she asked if she could stay here with us. So i said yes" with a bright smile on her face she sets down her tea.
"Now go up stairs, unpack and get organised into your rooms" grabbing a book from the table in front, she opens to the marked page. Starting to read, she notices the lack of sound, she looks up to see her sons staring at her with mixed expressions.
"Chop!Chop! We don't have all day!" Snapped out of their dazed states the boys jump up, some running to their bags and up the stairs in a flash. While some speed walk, bickering about who they're rooming with.
Then there's Woozi just taking his time, hoping his brothers choose wisely.
Luckily i had my headphones in when the boys came up the stairs because they were loud as hell. Don't they know not to run around like a bunch of lunatics. I'm already wanting to kick them out and its only been a few hours.
Why did I agree to do this..
Running my hands over my face, I roll on my side internally groaning. Closely I listen to some the boys weird conversions and constant arguing.
"I bags being Minghao's roommate!" Jun shouts while running to a room with his luggage. Then running out and grabbing a confused Chinese boy into the room with him.
"Well i guess we'll just see whose left after everyone's chosen" Joshua nods at Seungcheol's comment while watching their younger brothers choose their roommates.

-half an hour later
"Ok guys make sure to put your names on your door for now so everyone knows where to go!" Seungcheol yells from the room at the end of the hall. Scurrying through their rooms, the boys made up door signs. The rooms went in order from the first on the left to the first on the right like this:
DK/Dino, Woozi/Hoshi, S.coups/Joshua/Jeonghan, Wonwoo/Mingyu, Vernon/Seungkwan and finally The8/Jun.
"Well that took longer than expected" Vernon breathed a sigh as he jumped onto the couch along with the boys, except for Jeonghan who fell asleep and Dino and Seokmin who went exploring.
"Yeah I can't remember last time round being this hard" Wonwoo agreeing, threw his head back against the couch, closing his eyes.
"I'm hungry" Minghao mumbled, rubbing his tummy. Standing up from the couch, a little unsure of where to go, he started to go look for the kitchen.
Walking through the door, he stopped in his place by the one person who could help him, "Leehan! Just the person I needed" the smaller girl bowed her head, looking up with a confused expression.
"Oh, Minghao! Why do you need me?" She politely asked the boy standing in front of her, he smiled sheepishly.
"Haha-ah yeah i was wondering where i could get something to eat" he stared at her waiting for an answer, giving a big grin she directed her head for him to follow.
After a few minutes they arrived in the kitchen, which was big to say the least.
"What would you like me to make you?" rolling up her sleeves, she started to grab utensils to use. "Well I'm not bothered, just something that will stop my stomach from grumbling" with that info she knew just what to make, gathering all the ingredients she needed, she started to prepare.


"Food's ready!" The boys jumped from the sudden burst, narrowing their eyes at each other as if a zombie apocalypse had begun.
Minghao was the first out of the room and the rest followed, arriving at the speed of light at the dining table. "Woah! Holy shit!" Lee han swore surprised that the boys were already sitting down at the table.
As Leehan set down the food, the boys just kept staring.
"Eat well!" Speaking fast, she ducked out of the room.
"She's scary when she shouts" Dino mumbled, placing a piece of fruit into is mouth.
"It's only the first day here and she swore" Joshua says, dumfounded at the polite girl's outburst. "I like her already" Vernon grins with a nod, only to earn a smack on the head from his older brother.
"Hey! What was that for!" With a huff Joshua crossed his arms, the rest of the boys held in their laughter at their brother's actions.

Hiii~ so with writing the symbols
☆☆☆- means that unspecific time has passed
...- means change of setting/to specifically EunHye's POV
Hopefully nothing is confusing so far! And also the picture at the start is my impression of Leehan, I also have one for EunHye but I'll wait until we get more into her character 😉
Thank you and Enjoy!

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