Chapter 12

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This chapter is unedited, so sorry if there are a ton of mistakes.
I just wanted to get this done since I will be going to Japan in 2 days for 2weeks and as soon as I come back school starts so I most probably won't be able to update for a while but I'll try to write the upcoming chapters in my free time.
Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year 😊


Out of no where, someone teleported behind me.
"Eun Hye you ready to go?"
"What the f-! Jongin you can't just come into my room anytime you want, use the door like everyone else!" Glaring at him, I notice his black suit with his tie undone. Shaking my head at him, I speed over and do his tie up.
"Well I'm not like everyone else, so~ I can come in whenever I want" he smirked at me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"No wonder you have more enemies than friends" shrugging off his hand, I turn around and grab a small purse to place my essentials in.
"We better hurry otherwise we'll be late" I speed out of the room towards the staircase, hearing the sound of laughter in the living room.
As I walk down the stairs, I lift the front of my gown to prevent myself from tripping. Sehun let out a gasp upon my entrance into the living room. "Woah! Eun Hye you look amazing. Holy s-"
"Sehun do not finish that sentence" Junmyeon glared in Sehun's direction along with the rest of Exo. Rising from his seat on the couch, Kyungsoo came up to me and helped me put my shoes on.
"But Sehun is right you look beautiful, as always" Kyungsoo smiled, tying a bow with the lace of my heels. I nod my head  his kindness. Lifting my head to look at everyone, I notice a suit jacket hanging over a chair. Walking towards the chair I pick the blazer up and turn around to see if it was anyone's who was in the room. They're all wearing their blazers..
Looking at the size of the jacket it wouldn't fit anyone here since it would be too small. It must belong to one of Jae eun's sons..

"Do you guys want to leave now?" Minseok spoke, snapping me out of my train of thoughts. The guys agreed and stood from their seats, flattening out their suits. As we moved toward the front hallway, I remembered that I had to give the Exo members something.
"Wait! Before we leave I need to give you all something" teleporting into the dining room, I picked up a bag filled with packagings. Appearing back into the hallway, I saw the guys confused expressions as I handed a box to each of them.
"What's this? You didn't need to buy us anything" Baekhyun placed a hand on his chest and smiled at the sight of the box, slowly they removed the rapping paper.
"Well actually it wasn't-" just as I was about to explain the packages, the group of guys start shouting and groaning things such as:
"I knew it!-",
"Jae Eun seriously did this-",
"I am not wearing it!"
I massage my temples to avoid getting a headache, due to their loud complaints.
"I don't think they look that bad, what do you think Eun Hye?" Yixing smiled widely, causing his dimples to appear.

"I think you look great Yixing and you guys need to shut up, your worse than Jae eun's sons" crossing my arms over my chest, I waited until they were wearing their flower crowns.
"Everyone ready?" Junmyeon asked, everyone nodded and went near someone who was able to teleport.
"Eun Hye your coming with me" suddenly Jongin was beside me, holding out his hand.
"You do know I can teleport myself, right?"
"Yes. I know that, but I just want you to come with me, okay?" wrapping his arm around my waist, he pulled me closer and within the blink of an eye we arrived in a dim lit hallway.

And if you were wondering why this guy is so clingy, no he is not my boyfriend. He is my best friend who has a psycho sister, named Krystal. Ever since she was little she was somehow obsessed with Jongin, which has made his life a living hell. If she wasn't his sister she would most definitely be dating him by now, but since Jongin and I are friends I'm always the one to get him out of these situations. So technically you could call me his personal bodyguard, plus a few extras.
And those extras include pretending to be Jongin's girlfriend, only when Krystal is around. Which I don't mind since we both don't have any romantic feelings for each other. So when it comes to intimate acts, we just make bets with each other to see who can get the biggest reaction out of people.

And the reason for his Jongin's clinginess tonight is... Krystal will be attending the ball. So tonight I will have to pretend to be Jongin's girlfriend all while trying to introduce myself as a new sponsor, without killing anyone. I'm going to have so much fun tonight..
"What's with the frustrated facial expression, huh?" Jongdae nudged my shoulder, trying not to step on my dress as he stood beside me. Looking at him I give him the you-know-what look while lifting the front of my dress so I could walk without tripping.
"You know when you frown you look scary, so smile otherwise people are going to get the wrong idea" Diverting my gaze to the gold and white painted roof, I let out a breath of air. Jongdae was right I need to make myself more appealing and not so intimidating. Looking back at Jongdae I gave him a small smile, which he returned me with his cheerful one.
"Ok there's only the teachers and professors inside, they haven't let everyone in so we'll go to our places and Eun Hye will go to hers with the rest of the performance sector sponsors" Junmyeon announced as they reached the top of a staircase which led down into the ballroom.
"Bye Eun Hye, I'll see you around okay?" Jongdae patted my shoulder while following Yixing, Sehun and Minseok down the stairs, they all waved at me with a smile.
Don't stress yourself too much it's only one night, so enjoy yourself.. Junmyeon mind linked to me as he walked away, Baekhyun had his thumbs up with a wide smile trying to encourage me. Next Kyungsoo and Chanyeol led me close enough to the staircase so I could see the ballroom, but so no one below could see me.
"You'll be fine, you're kind and funny, but your just a bit on the aggressive side so don't bash anyone too much okay?" Chanyeol held my shoulders lightly before giving a small squeeze. His little pep talks never work, but I didn't want to bring down his mood so I just smiled while nodding my head.
As he moved aside Kyungsoo came towards me with his hand up and I knew exactly what he was intending. We high-fived and then started to do our handshake which we always did to give each other encouragement.
"Okay, okay you show offs go down the stairs now." Jongin cut in just as me and Kyungsoo finished our handshake, standing in front of me while shooing off Chanyeol and Kyungsoo. They both shook their heads at Jongin, but still managed a wave in my direction.
"Now that everyone's gone-"
"-you still need to go into the ballroom, so no that's not everyone" quickly I grabbed his shoulders and teleported next to Exo's table, leaving him there as I walked to Jae Eun's table.
Seriously, all I wanted was a hug~.. Hearing Jongin's voice in my head made me laugh.
You can have one when Krystal starts harassing you.. Turning my head I look at his pouty expression which quickly turned into a smile after he heard my reply.
After finding Jae Eun's table I placed the blazer over a random chair hoping that one of the boys will take ownership of it. Looking around the room I saw a few teachers and professors stealing glances at me, probably thinking who the hell I am. Moving swiftly I went to my table which quickly filled with some familiar faces.
"It's nice to see you all again" I spoke, making all of their heads turn in my direction.
"Likewise" wearing his high-end clothing Kibum tilted his head, acknowledging me.
"But didn't we just see each other like a week ago? It's not like it's been years." Ji Ho commented, letting out a cry of pain as Kyungri slapped the back of his head.
"They're just being polite idiot" glaring at her younger brother, she crossed her arms and smiled at me.
"You know we've never actually just hung out like this"
"It's not like it's a good thing, no one here likes us"  Sohyun rolled her eyes, sitting down in her seat with her arms crossed.
Looking at the younger girl, I shook my head at her straight forwardness.
"We all know that Sohyun, you don't need to say it out loud"
"Yeah Key's right, stop hurting our feelings" Ji Ho pouted at Sohyun from across the table, his eyes glaring at her.
"JiHo just shut-" Kyungri was cut off halfway through her shout by the sound of loud murmurs.
Looking over to the front entrance to see the students and their families entering. My lips curl up into a smirk as I spot LeeHan and Jae Eun's sons coming down the staircase.
Let the show begin..

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