Chapter 2

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"I'm hungry~" I whine from behind my door, hearing the boys eat in the dining room.
I huff, feeling my stomach growl "I know, I know just wait a little bit longer" I say patting my stomach, I start to think of how to get downstairs without being caught. Screw this!
I walk to my door opening it wide only to see LeeHan with a tray of food.
"You're my saviour! Just when I thought I was gonna die! You save me" I a fake cry while hugging her, then drag her into my room.
"Well someone's hungry?" Letting out a laugh, she watched as I ate the fruit deliciously.
"What? I need my food" I put on a serious face while grabbing some pieces of fruit and stuffing my mouth.
"Sfo huw ah de bwis su pfa" I say to LeHan with my mouth full, wiggling my eyebrows,
"ew ugly face, finish your food!" She pushes my forehead away, making a vomit face.
"HEY YOU'RE THE UGLY ONE HERE!" standing up tall I look at LeeHab with my eyes wide open, but we both ended up laughing at each other.
After we had both stopped talking and goofing around, I tuned in on the boy's to see what they were up to.
"Wait, where did LeeHan go?" Mingyu looked around the kitchen with his empty plate, with the guys following in behind him looking around as well.
"Maybe she's with mother" Seokmin suggested
"She could be out... Cleaning?" Hoshi questioned.
All the boys were thinking hard while putting their plates away, but their questions were answered when Woozi entered the kitchen saying that, "She went upstairs."
Now suddenly even more confused, they tried to makes sense of why she would go upstairs. "Wait why would she go to our rooms?" Vernon squinted his eyes thinking of every reason to why she would go up there.
"Well why don't we go and see" Seungcheol stated, starting to walk out of the kitchen towards the the staircase. The rest of the boys followed their older brother towards the stairs looking around, just in case they spotted LeeHan along the way.
"Check your rooms to see if she's there" Jeonghan said, walking to his shared room with Joshua and Seungcheol. The other boys nod their heads as they walked to their own rooms.
"LeeHan? You in here?~" Minghao asked as he walked into his room with Jun at his back, they look around to see no one.
"She's not in here!" Jun shouted into the hallway for everyone to hear.
"Not here either!" Seungkwan and Vernon shout in unison from their room.
"Our room is empty" Wonwoo and Mingyu walk out of their room into the hallway, followed by the rest who seem to also have no clue either. "She in your room?" Hoshi asked Dino and Seokmin, but they just shook their heads. Joshua, Seungcheol and Jeonghan walked out of their room, unable to find LeeHan as well. "If she's not here then where is she?" Joshua looked at the floor and then at the boys, they all shrugged their shoulders.
Suddenly feet could be heard coming up the stairs causing all the boys to snap their heads towards the sound. They hoped that it was LeeHan, but to their disappointment it wasn't who they were looking for.
"Their you boys are!-what's with those faces, don't you want to see your mother" She laughed at her son's bummed out expressions.
"No, no.. We were just wondering where LeeHan went" Seokmin said as he scratched his forehead.
"Oh, isn't she in the kitchen?" Their mother asked now interested, the boys answer with the shake of their heads. "We had finished our food so we went to put our dishes away but she wasn't their" Wonwoo explained
"And I saw her go up the stairs while I was eating, but we looked and she isn't here" Woozi continued. Their mother had her hand on her chin, concentrating on Leehan's whereabouts.
"Hm well she could-" with the click of her fingers, she had an idea, "ah I know where she is!" Suddenly their mother had a huge smile on her face as she walked to the third floor stairs. She stepped only onto the first step and shouted "Lee Han! You up there darling!?"
"I told you they were looking for you" I slap LeeHan's shoulder as she looks at me with a confused face. "Wait the guys? Why do they wa-" she was cut off by the close and not to mention loud voice of Jae eun.
"Oh- I guess that's my cue to leave" quickly she gets up, grabbing the empty tray and sending a quick wave. I sigh and turn around only to be surprised by the push of my head.
"WHAT- LeeHan! YOU LITTLE S-" she closes the door on my face, leaving me alone.

Laughing at LeeHan's silliness, I turn around and see the light peeping into my bedroom. I walk over to the balcony, noticing that the sun had slowly started to disappear behind the trees, signaling that the moon will appear. Leaning on the concrete railing, I close my eyes as the breeze hit my face, taking in a deep breath I consumed my surroundings. My favourite part of the day..
The boys heard footsteps coming down the stairs and they saw the person they'd been looking for.
"LeeHan! We were looking for you" Dino says showing a bright smile, which she returned with an equally bright grin.
"Aw I'm sorry Dino, I just had to do.. something" hesitating in her way of words, she looked at Jae eun, immediately their mother understood and nodded while pulling LeeHan closer to her.
"Ok boys now that you know where LeeHan is, why don't you have a look around together" Jae Eun looked at LeeHan and they both nodded at each other, then looking at the boys for an answer.
"Yeah sounds good!" Mingyu agreed
"Okay I'll leave you with the boys then" Their mother walked towards the stairs, smiling at her sons.
"Before we start exploring I need put this away" waving the scrap filled silver tray in front of them, she started to walk away. When arriving into the kitchen, she was surprised to see that all their plates were neatly stacked and ready in the dishwasher.
Wow they actually cleaned up after themselves..
She thought to herself, putting the food scraps in the bin and the tray in the drawer.
"Well we are messy when Wonwoo or Jeonghan aren't around" someone spoke making LeeHan whip around, only to see Seokmin smiling at her.
"Geez, you guys just pop up everywhere don't you" steadying herself against the kitchen sink she walked out of the kitchen, hanging up her apron along the way.
Wait I didn't say they were messy out loud.. She stopped and turned around narrowing her eyes at Seokmin, who seemed a little nervous. Not wanting to make him uncomfortable she just shook her head, noting to talk about it later and gestured for him to follow her.

Heyo, I hope you liked this chapter and if anything is confusing just tell me and I'll explain, or I'll change it so things make more sense.
Have a wonderful day💕

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