Chapter 5

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It's been almost three weeks since the boys moved in and I have never been so frustrated with a bunch of people that I haven't even met before in my life. Now that they live here I can't go anywhere at all and if I try to, I just end up having to evacuate straight away. Every time I go to the library someone is there, I go to the garden someone shows up, even if I go to my balcony someone could spot me.

"Why is this so hard" I lie down on my bed, exhausted from the constant dashing in and out of places.

"Stop complaining, you baby" LeeHan says as she walks into my room with her hair in a towel and a brush in hand.

"Well why don't you try not going anywhere all day... In your own house!" I roll onto my stomach, groaning into my pillow. Feeling the bed sink in I turn back over to see LeeHan looking dead serious into my eyes.

"That's what you do anyways" I stare at her in annoyance as she starts brushing her semi-dry hair in small sections.
"Going OUTSIDE of my house to socialise is different to being IN my house socialising" I roll my eyes at her, and get off my bed to go look out my balcony window.

Now brushing her precious fringe, she gets up and stands beside me. Staring out the window she admires the view. "The guys are settling in great, aren't they?"
Yeah a little too great..

She smiles seeing some of the boys walking through the backyard, towards the garden. I shake my head and sit down on the couch, resting my head on the back board.
"Stop being pissy, you'll have your freedom back soon, so stop complaining" confused I look over to LeeHan, who still had her eyes on the boys.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Still looking outside, she smiles.
"Some of the boys still need to go to school Eun Hye, but you wouldn't of remembered that" she side glares me, crossing her arms.
"And that's how you will get your house back" she raises her eyebrows, as if she won the argument.
"Well I don't know if you noticed, but not all of them need to go to school" sitting up I raise my eyebrows, waiting for her counter.

"The rest go back for the for volunteering, remember~" she tilts her head, raising her eyebrows even more. Heaving a sigh, i sit back into the couch,
I would've had my house back, if only I hadn't made that stupid bet with Chanyeol..
"Why- What bet?" LeeHan snaps her head towards me,
Shit I said that out loud.. Not wanting to spill, I kept my mouth shut.

"Nothing" I answer, looking anywhere but her.
"Don't you dare play that game with me!" Walking over, she sits next to me and tries to suss me out.
"Have you heard of personal space" I look her up and down as she inches closer.
"Just tell me! What bet did Chanyeol and you make~" she whines, shaking me a little too violently.
"Stop-shakinme-ad I'll-tell you!" Letting go of my shoulders, she allows me to steady my brain.
"Now tell me" crossing her arms, she sits back waiting for me to speak. Groaning internally, I try to recall what memories I have of that day.
"Well sometime ago, before Jae eun and the guys started living here, Chanyeol and I were in the dance studio. Chanyeol was preparing for his first year teaching and I was practicing and just doing random stuff."
I breathe in and close my eyes, trying to remember what he had exactly said.
"While I was dancing he joined in and then it turned into a dance battle...
Which I won. But Chanyeol being the stubborn guy he is, made a bet that and I quote
'I challenge you to teach a group of students new choreography and composition and they'll have to perform against the best group chosen by Xuimin' and being the idiot I am, I accepted." LeeHan's mouth hung open and her eyes widened in disbelief, obviously not happy with my actions.

"Wait so you're doing this years volunteering?"
"Well I can't now, since the guys are here and I'm not even a student there anymore" I slump deep into the couch, wanting to go asleep then and there.
"But you can still volunteer, it's not like the guys know you live in the same house as them and you can just re-enroll" LeeHan sinks into the cushions, clearly upset that I'm not going to school.
"LeeHan I'm sorry, but I really can't to risk anything, what if something happens? I don't know if I'll be able to control the situation." Looking down at the carpet, she fiddles with her fingers and mumbles, "So you're not going to school at all."
"Maybe once the boys leave, then I will" I smile and look her straight in the eyes, a smile appears across her face as she looks into my eyes.
And then I shake my head "-but I don't think that'll be anytime soon so I won't be going anywhere for now" her smile drops quicker than the sun at my reply.
"What! No. That's not okay! you can't do-" I cut her off before she starts rambling.
"-But I already did and I'm not changing my mind" I get off the couch and take a quick glance over at the figures outside, before heading out into the hallway towards the bathroom. I hear LeeHan sulking as she walks into her own room,
Now who's being a baby.. I laugh at her childishness and start sorting my things ready for a shower.

Having the guys living here has taken my impatience to a new level, apparently 'it's worse than you being on your period' according to Chanyeol. But I can't help it, how am I supposed to stay sane knowing that thirteen guys are living in my house and I can't control them. All I can do is sit around, as they break everything in my house.

I know that they're Jae Eun's sons so that gives me some reassurance, but still I have no idea of what they're like. I listen into some of their conversations every now and then, when I'm bored. I've got the hang of everyone's names and who their 'favorites' are amongst each other.
Like Vernon and Seungkwan hang out a lot and I mean they're inseparable. Minghao and Jun usually stay together since they both speak chinese, probably having secrets conversations to themselves.. Seokmin or they call him DK? He's basically an all rounder, he's always talking to someone. There's the youngest who everyone talks to, they call him Dino. Mingyu- Needs to calm his farm, this guy likes to annoy the heck out of his brothers, along with Seungkwan. They both gang up on their older brother Jihoon, whom they also call Woozi.
I seriously feel bad for him, he does nothing and still they annoy him. And I also know not to mess with him, I don't want to be beaten with a guitar... Then there's Soonyoung, I don't even know how or what to say about him, he's just all over the place. Wonwoo is quiet and mostly reads in the library, same with Joshua but he can also talk a lot at times. Seungcheol and Jeonghan basically keep all of them out of trouble, but they both muck around just as much as everyone else.
I don't even know how Jae Eun managed to keep her other house in tact with how much they destroy on a daily basis.

Feeling frustrated I sit on the floor next to the bath, resting my head against the rim. I really shouldn't be fussing over them, but there's something bugging me. I feel as if theres something I'm missing, or that something might happen and I won't be able to stop it. Even though I really despise the idea of them living here, I still have to keep them out of danger.
I promised my parents to keep everyone safe, and to do that I can't allow what happened with my parents, happen again...

Ooooo what do you think Eun Hye is talking about? Well you'll find out very soon!
And also with the school system they finish school at 19 (depending on which month your born in) and if they want they can do volunteering which is like prac-teaching. Which is when you go into a class and watch the teacher/lecturer do there job and then have a go yourself and you get marked on how well you do and if you do well you pass and go on to do more practicals. (If that makes any sense🙃)
And also when it comes to the next few chapters about school, when they have their classes I'm mainly going to be focusing on the Performing arts classes, so don't worry if you don't see any main subjects such as Maths/science/English and all that, they still have those classes it's just I'm not writing/involving it😉 (unless you guys want me to)
I hope you enjoy this chapter! And have a wonderful day/night,

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