Chapter 9

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I told everything to Rachel.

"I think you should date him!" Rachel said. "What? No.. Are you crazy?" I said. I was thinking about shouting but naaaah. "What? He's nice, sweet.. If you don't date him then I'll take him!" she said while smiling. "Then take him!" I said with a blank expression.

"Your so emotional! You don't shout. You don't fan girl. You don't do anything that a normal teenager does!" she said. She's changing the subject. "Well I'm just being me.. And besides.. I hate being loud." I said closing my ears because of Rachel shouting.

"You know what? I have an idea! How about we go shopping today?" she said happily. I replied her with a simple "Okay." and pointed at the door, signalling for Rachel to get out. "Jeez. Bossy." She said and sticked her tongue out.

I just laughed.


Were now at the shopping mall and Rachel is such a stylish diva. She keeps buying me outfits and things that I'm not comfortable with. She's now pointing at a black and white dress and she's literally forcing me to get it.

"But I don't want it.." I said. "What! Its a really pretty dress! You should wear it to school tomorrow with a pair of converse!" she said cheerfully. "I ain't wearing that thing to school.." I said pointing at the black and white dress.

"Oh come on! Please?" she pleaded. "No... You bought me way too much clothes already.." I said. "Puhlease!!!!!" she pleaded again. "Oh fine.." I said and huffed. "Yay!" she screamed like a little child.

"But in one condition.." I said grinning. "Ngaw..." she pouts her bottom lip. "You'll have to wear a dress to school tomorrow too..." I said. "That's not a big deal! So okay!" she said with a smile. "So the deal is on.." I said. "Yep!" she said still smiling. "Anyways, can we please go home now?" I pleaded like a kid. "Sure! Leggo!" she said pointing at the exit. Which is pretty far from us.

I huffed.

"What's up?" she asked. "I'm just so lazy to walk..." I said. She giggled "Hey, since the exit is still far, how about we play a game?"she suggested while grinning. "Umm.. Sure.." I said sounding interested.

"Okay, I'll point at some random guy and ask if you might like him or maybe know him. Then it'll be your turn and the game goes on!" she said, still grinning. "That's a weird game but.. Okay, I guess?" I said sounding less interested already. "Him!" she pointed at a random guy. "I don't know him.. How about him.." I pointed at a tall man, with blonde hair. "He's hot but.. Not my type.." she said and smiled. "Him?" she pointed at a guy with brown hair and green eyes. Austin.

"Oh, I know him.." I said. Not loud. "Pardon?" she said. "I know him.." I said. A bit louder this time. "Owh, well then go say hi to him!" she said. Playfully elbowing me on my arm. "No.." I replied.

"You like him, right?" she said grinning. "What. No. I just don't want to talk to him." I replied her with a blank expression. "Well then..." she said and dragged me towards Austin. "Hi there!" she said to Austin. Oh God. This girl is getting herself in big trouble.

"Hi.. Oh hey Yn!" he said smiling. "Hi.." I replied him, looking down on the floor. "So were you the one?" he said out of the blue. I looked at him and his eyes were full of hope.

"What's going on?" Rachel asked. Feeling left out because she doesn't know what we're talking about. "Yes.. I was the one.. Oh, I'll tell you later Rach.." I said with a blank expression.

"Owh.. Umm.. Well thanks and it was nice meeting you!" he said smiling. That sweet smile of his. I smiled. "No problem. It was nice meeting you too. Bye. " I said and dragged Rachel away from there.

"Why did you-" I got cut off by a happy Rachel. "What was the "were you the one?" about?!" she asked grinning. "I just saved he's life.. That's all.." I said and rolled my eyes. "Yieeee!" Rachel squealed.

"What?" I questioned. "Oh, nooooothing!" she said and giggled. Okay this girl is seriously creeping me out. "Okay?" I said. More of like a question. "Let's go hoooome!"she said "Umm.. Sure.." I said.


We're now at my room. I'm just lying on my bed reading "Insuregent" while Rachel is painting her nails. "So.." Rachel said. "Hmm?" I hummed. My eyes were still glued to the page. "Umm.. I'll ask you later.. Anyways, what time is it?" she asked. "Umm.. Its.." I said and looked at my watch. "6:30?!" I screamed. "Woah, girl.. What's up with you?" she asked.

You guys probably know the reason. "I haven't took a shower and I feel.. Discusting.." I said and stood up. I marked the page with my bookmark and went to the bathroom. "Be fast!" I heard Rachel shout. I replied her with a simple "Okay".

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