Chapter 10

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I was finally done taking a shower. I now feel fresh but a bit tired. I went to Jared's room. He was sitting on his bed pouting.

"Jared?" I said. "What's up?" I questioned, walking towards him and sat on his comfy bed. "I'm going to miss you.. Why can't you come?" he asked, with his blue eyes looking at me with sadness.

Those eyes reminds me of my dad. My dad  has blue eyes but my mom has brown. I was really different from my dad. My dad has dimples while my mom doesn't. The only same thing my dad and I have is our brain.

My dad was smart. Really smart. But he wasnt the best at Science. He would mostly get C's or B's on Science. But when its other subjects, he would get A's but mostly A+.

When it comes to my mom, she's a genius at Science. She became my dads mentor when he's Science grades started decreasing. The reason my mom became my dad's mentor was because the school principal told her too.

They would always meet at their secret hideout. Which it was also the place where he proposed her to be his girlfriend and after a few years, the word "girlfriend" no longer exist but has become to "wife".

I think I should stop thinking and start answering Jared because he clearly looks mad at me now.

"Because I have lots of work to do here.." I answered him while smiling. I placed a kiss on his forehead and said "Goodnight". I walked back to my room.

"Where were you?" Rachel asked while combing her hair. "Jared." I replied her simply. She said "Owh." and continued to brush her long blonde hair.

"I think I'm going to sleep.." I said and yawned. "What?! But its just 8:15!" she said to me and put her comb down. "How about we sneak out?" she said smiling. "We can't do that.." I said.

"Your boring!" Rachel groaned. "Hey.. Its not like I don't want to sneak out.. Its just that Aunt Jess would get mad at me and she might not trust me anymore." I said. Its actually true. I do want to sneak out but I do not want Aunt Jess to think I'm not a trustful person.

"Okay... Fine.." Rachel groaned again. "We won't sneak out but can we at least have a walk outside?" Rachel asked. "If Aunt Jess would let us.." I said. Rachel started smiling again.

I went downstairs. Before I reached down, Aunt Jess and Uncle James were talking. Or should I say arguing.

"Why can't I take Yn?!" Aunt Jess screamed at Uncle James. "Its because Yn would be so much better at my side!" Uncle James shouted. "What a stupid reason! Yn could-" Aunt Jess froze as she saw me.

I walked down to them and asked "What's going on?". Aunt Jess face became pale. "How long have you been here?" Aunt Jess asked. "Not to long ago.. Now tell me whats going on?" I asked. A mixture of guilt and anger inside me.

"We just wanted to.. Bring you to the zoo! But your Uncle here.." she glared at him. "Wanted to go the muzium!" she said. "Stop playing dumb.." I snap. A pang of guilt hit me because I have never did that before.

"You'll know this later.. You can't know about it now." Aunt Jess said. Great. Now I'll be staying up all night thinking about it. I groaned.

"Can Rachel and I have a walk at the park?" I said lazily. "Its dark.." Aunt Jess said. "Oh come on, I thought you trusted me?" I said. "Fine.. Fine.." she said and rolled her eyes playfully. I said "Thank you" and ran up to my room.

"Rach, Aunt Jess said we can.." I said. "Yes!" she screamed. "Shhh... Now let's go.." I said. "Okay!" she giggled. What is up with this girl?

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