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Sunday - 2224pm

Park Jinyoung is calling

JY : "Hello.."

M : "hhmmmm.."

JY : "Hello my friend.."

M : "what do you want? I have works."

JY : "you're doing homework? Awww cute. I'm done with mine. Entertain me."

M: "I have works to do. why are you even bothering me? Go watch tv or play games or something."

JY : "but, you're currently my bestest playmate though. I even ignore Jae for you."

M : "nobody ask you to do that."

JY : "but you say I can call you anytime anywhere."

M : "I didn't say you can't."

JY :"what? You're confusing me. Anyway, tell me about your day. Today I've done nothing but chill and Netflix you know. Eventhough we don't have Netflix. You know what I mean. my brother brought his new girlfriend home and mind you, that girl is a big time bitch. I don't even know what my brother sees in her. I mean, you can tell from the way she dress like we're running out of clothes in this world. I don't mean to judge but she ask to be judge so yeah, here I am judging her...... hello?"

M : "uh huhhh.."

JY : "are you even listening to me?"

M : "yeah.. girlfriend's brother bla bla bla."

JY : "you're not listening. I'm talking about my brother's girlfriend."

M : "brother's girlfriend, girlfriend's brother. Tomato, tomato. Potato, potato."

JY : "that is not even a thing. What even..."

M : "if you don't stop talking to me, I wont be able to finish this by tonight Jinyoung."

JY : "so, what should we talk about today?"

M : "I'm pretty sure I just told you I have works to do."

JY : "wanna hang out tomorrow? Wait, what kind of question is that? We don't even know each other."

M : "really? I thought with the way you're ignoring me, we are besties since birth."

JY : "okay sarcastic king. Do your homework. Ignore me like how all the other people ignore me."

M : "and then you start to guilt trip me."

JY : "but suspiciously you fell for it everytime. With the way you act, I can see you're kinda fond of me now."

M : "yes Park jinyoung. I am so fond of you. I cannot leave without you. Please don't leave me alone with all these homeworks."

JY : "awwww really? Come here darling. I wont leave you alone."

M : "and that is me in my sarcastic mode if you still don't get it."

JY : "and this is me ignoring your sarcastic bitch mode, if you still don't get it. give me back my precious pure soul friend."

M : "and which part of me that makes you think I am a pure soul?"

JY : "the not-sarcastic-bitchy part. Okay. Just do your homework. Let me do the talking. You don't even have to talk okay?"

M : " uh.. huh.. sure.."

JY : "do you know Wonpil just declared his relationship with Chaeyoung? That jerk! I hate him so much. Do you have a car? Can I borrow your car? I just want to run him over when I see him. Eeeeuuuurrrrgggghhhhhh!"

M : "and then blame me on his death because you're driving my car to run him over?"

JY : "who's talking about death? We're just gonna run over him a little, we're not gonna kill him."

M : "sorry to burst your bubble but I'm 100% sure he'll be dead by the time the ambulance come."

JY : "Nooooooo! Don't go and wishing for someone's death just like that."

M : "and now I'm the one who wants him dead?"

JY : "that is so not nice of you."

M : "hhmmm kay."

JY : "you know. Your voice kinda reminds me of someone but I just cannot bring myself to remember whose voice is it. I know, I knew your voice from somewhere before. Your accent is kinda interesting and special. You're not happen to really be Jackson right? I know he has an accent but I don't think it is same as yours. I mean, it's not like I've heard him talking all this time but I just can't imagine you being Jackson though."

M : "why wouldn't I be Jackson?"

JY : "oh please.. even a stranger can recognise Jackson when they haven't even met him yet. If you're really Jackson, I don't think you'll have the patience to not tell me who you are."

M : "hhhmmmm.. true."

JY : "so yeah.. I can cross Jackson's out already. But, still I have no freaking idea who you are."

M : "no one's important."

JY : "I really want to know but at the same time I don't. I just don't want to ruin the image of you that I have in my mind."

M : "and what kind of image I have in your mind?"

JY : "I'm not really sure yet though so I can't really tell you."

M : "uh huh.."

JY : "Okay, that's all. I think I'm gonna pass. My bed is calling me. All the best finishing your homework by tonight! Goodnight! Bye!"

M : "and here I thought when will your motor-mouth know how to take a break."

JY : "shut up you sarcastic beast. Go back to wherever you come from."

M : "you're the one who summon me to come out btw."

JY : "now I summon you to go back from the trash that you're coming from."

M : "nope. Not going anywhere. Because you're my new favourite trashcan."

JY : "shut up. Goodnight. Bye."

M : "bye."

*calls end 2323pm*

a/n : please drop some love here and there. my trash needs love. /hugs/

Texted [Markjin ♡ Jinmark]Where stories live. Discover now