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Parkjinyoung :

I think I'm in love.

Mark :

Uh huh.

Parkjinyoung :

I'm serious *heart eyes*

Mark :

You literally fell in love with every living being

Parkjinyoung :

No, I am not. I hate some people

Mark :

Uh huh.. so, who is this new unlucky guy that caught your eyes?

Parkjinyoung :

I don't really know his name. but, I've seen him Jackson before. I think he is one of Jackson's many friend.

Mark :

Jackson? Which Jackson?

Parkjinyoung :

Jackson Wang of course. Who else.

Mark :

Which friend of Jackson exactly?

Parkjinyoung :

Don't tell me you also like one of Jackson's friend? OH mY GoD.. don't tell me we are love rivals now

Mark :

Drama queen. So, which friend of Jackson?

Parkjinyoung :

I don't really know his name. but, I can see that he is really popular among the girls. Even Jisoo mention about him to me. I mean, Jisoo who never look at guys can relate to all the girls.

Mark :

Which Jisoo?

Parkjinyoung :

I thought you know all of my friend without me telling you, with the way you talk like you know about my life

Mark :

Aaaaaa.. okay. That one girl that is always with you and Jae is it?

Parkjinyoung :

Yup. That's Kim Jisoo. My other bestest friend. Aside from you and Jae.

Mark :

So, I'm in the 'best' friend list now?

Parkjinyoung :

Why, of course. I'm gonna replace you with Jae, sooner or later. That ungrateful bish. He thinks I don't have any other friend beside him.

Mark :

Yeah. Yeah. So, who is your new love interest again?

Parkjinyoung :

I don't know his name. >.< but, why didn't I'm aware of his presence before? Maybe because he is always quietly beside Jackson.

Mark :

So, why the sudden 'love' though?

Parkjinyoung :

He kinda save me from Shownu's just now.

Mark :

Okay, talking about Shownu. What have he done to you?

Parkjinyoung :

Nothing really. Not physically at least. They sometimes just kinda shoved me around a little and say some bad words. But, nothing I can't handle.

Mark :

You sure? They never leave any bruises on your body?

Parkjinyoung :

I'm really sure. If they do, Jae will have their asses. Wait a minute, are you actually care?

Mark :

Wait?...... nah.. still don't care.

Parkjinyoung :

-.-'' I hate you. they actually ask me to join them at the back of the school during break time just now. That's actually the first time they ask me to join them, NICELY. I don't even know why. Luckily, that friend of Jackson pass us and give them this stare and they kinda just run away from there and then he walks away too.

Mark :

Do you actually plan to go with them to the back of the school?

Parkjinyoung :

I can't. Jae will look for me if I don't show up during break. Plus, I think they're planning something evil behind there. Some baby-sacrificing ritual. I don't know. Don't go if they come for you.

Mark :

Talk to yourself. You're the one that they ask to go. I kinda have an idea about this friend of Jackson you're talking about. You wanna know his name?

Parkjinyoung :

NO! don't tell me. I will find out on my own. Don't worry about my love life. Just don't you go and flaunt your hips in front of him. HE IS MINE okay.

Mark :

What if he is taken?

Parkjinyoung :

Wait, he has a girlfriend? How did you know?

Mark :

Just saying. What if?

Parkjinyoung :

I'm gonna give up then. You're not supposed to go and take other people significant others.

Mark :

I thought you'll go and have a catfight with his girlfriend.

Parkjinyoung :

No, I am a very decent person. I will never do that.

Mark :

Uh huh. Yeah right. Just to be sure, that friend of Jackson that you're talking about is the one with the red hair right?

Parkjinyoung :

Wait, how did you know? DON'T TOUCH HIM! HE IS MINE! Dibs!

Mark :

*smirk* you sure he is yours? I thought you say you don't want someone's boyfriend.

Parkjinyoung :

You don't even know if he has a girlfriend or not.

Mark :

And you know?

Parkjinyoung :

I don't know. But, I wish he is still single and gay. *fingers crossed*

Mark :


Parkjinyoung :

What's so funny?

Mark :


Parkjinyoung :

Leave me alone. I'm gonna go and plan our wedding now. Bye.

Mark :

Bye Parkjinyoung :D

Last read 2257

a/n : love me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Texted [Markjin ♡ Jinmark]Where stories live. Discover now