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a/n : I'm sorry my lovelies but HAPPY BELATED APRIL FOOLS! 

CHILL GUYSSSSSSSSS I'M KIDDING lol but i really have bad news tho. i've mentioned that this fic is near the end right? well, guess what.. it's not. i think this one will be a long ass ride.. you guys in or what? lol because me, myself cant stand short story. so, yeahhhh.. this one is not gonna be a short one.. i think (hope) >.< yup. thats bad news for some people that love short story.. yup. i guess that's all. please dont leave me, love me like i love each one of you


a long one to make it up for you guys! this one is for you FOREVER1204 because you're the earliest that commented and LOVE YOU TOO 



Park Jinyoung :

Please please please come with me to the game

Ji Soo Ji Soo :

I would love to but you know I can't

Park Jinyoung :

Cant you just skip?

Ji Soo Ji Soo :

And have my head serve on a plate? Thanks but no thanks

Park Jinyoung :

Let Peniel go with me then

Ji Soo Ji Soo :

No, I need him with me.

Park Jinyoung :

But why? Please. Just until the game ended. I'll bring him to you right after they blew the game-over whistle

Ji Soo Ji Soo :

My baby boo.. NO

Park Jinyoung :

I hate you.

Ji Soo Ji Soo :

Same. Why today's game of all games? Anything special youre not telling me?

Park Jinyoung :

Just because. Come with me and I'll tell you.

Ji Soo Ji Soo :

No thanks. I don't want to know.

Park Jinyoung :

Uuugggghhhhhh I hate you

Ji Soo Ji Soo :

Goodbye boo. Don't enjoy yourself too much or your gayness will show itself

Park Jinyoung :

Its not like people doesn't know that I am gay

Ji Soo Ji Soo :

Hhmmm true. Okay boo. Sorry but I really cant. Next time okay. love ya bye

Park Jinyoung :

Bye and I hate both you and Peniel

Ji Soo Ji Soo :

/kissy face/

Last seen 1547pm



Mark :

Baby im here

Mark :

Texted [Markjin ♡ Jinmark]Where stories live. Discover now