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Mark :

Morning you fool. I was just kidding. Now, you can stop turning off your phone.

Mark :

Im not gonna be available till later today so save your drama for later okay

Mark :

Btw, im really sorry okay. I was just kidding yesterday

Mark :

Im doing something big today. Don't you want to wish me luck?

Mark :

If luck is not on my side today, im blaming you because I know its you who is cursing me inside out

Mark :

By the time im done with my work, I hope Mr Park Jinyoung who is reading this message has finally cools his onfire ass down

Mark :


Read 1015am

Mark : still mad at me? Told you im sorry – sent 1236pm

Mark : Jinyoung.. jinyoung.. Park Jinyoung – sent 1435pm

Mark : I'll take a picture of Mark shirtless for you. Deal? – sent 1604pm

Mark : Park Jinyoung, stop sulking like a baby and reply me. – sent 1609pm

Mark : its not even a big deal. I was just kidding – sent 1615pm

Mark : your husband games start at 730. – sent 1630pm

Mark : I swear if you don't reply me I'll post Mark's phone number in the school main page– sent 1637pm

Park Jinyoung :


Mark :


Mark :

I'm sorry okay. But, I don't get it. Whats the big deal? Please enlighten me

Park Jinyoung :

Something happen. Something that doesn't concern you. Leave me alone

Mark :

Cant you tell me that something so I wont repeat the same mistake again?

Park Jinyoung :

No. personal matters.

Mark :

Alright. Alright. Just forget it then. But, forgive me?

Park Jinyoung :

How can you confirm that you are not Gyeom's friend?

Mark :

I really don't like that brother of yours now. I swear I don't even know him okay

Park Jinyoung :

Okay, I trust you and I forgive u just this once.

Mark :

Now im dying to know what happen that makes you act like that

Park Jinyoung :

Don't bother try to know. You will never find out. Can we please just forget about that?

Mark :

Okay. Okay.

Park Jinyoung :

One more thing.. leave my husband alone. You seductress

Mark :

? ? ? I don't even want him if you give me for free

Park Jinyoung :

Good. Because he is mine. And pictures tonight okay

Park Jinyoung :

lol we sound like we're having underground deals just now

Mark :

What even? You want shirtless Mark or fully clothes Mark? Or you want me shirtless? /smirk/

Park Jinyoung :

Why would I want your shirtless picture? Just give me a very HD pictures of my husband. I don't care if he is shirtless in it or not

*dirty little secret just send you an image*

Mark :

How's that for a start?

Park Jinyoung :

Oh my godddddddddd.. is that really you????? Is that not someone's abs you took from google image? /side eyes/

Mark :

100% me. Love it?

Park Jinyoung :

Now, im curious what do you look like. It would be a shame if you look like an ape with that kind if body. Can you send me another one with your face?

Mark :

Then, you will know who I am

Park Jinyoung :

But Im dying to know what you look like.

Mark :

You sure?

Park Jinyoung :

NOOOOO! Don't. im kidding

Park Jinyoung :

But, I want to know. Why is life so hard? [a/n : awwwww.. my cutiepie]

Mark :

You are one interesting character

Mark :

Gtg now. Talk to you later tonight.

Read 1704pm

a/n : do you guys wanna know what happen between Nyoung and Gyeom's and the gang before? lol. don't ask me. i also don't know. use your own imagination :P ask them yourself. 

okay guys. double update again because i love you and see you guys maybe in another two weeks. good news! thanks to my writer's block that day.. i found a short time to think and re-evaluate my life lol i found my update schedule!!! yayyyyy.. i'll update maybe twice a month? i'll TRY MY BESTEST to update twice every month because workkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. but, for sure i'm gonna update every month! 

if you guys have any question about this trash, just ask away. don't be shy, i don't bite. :))

Texted [Markjin ♡ Jinmark]Where stories live. Discover now