Our little secret ➳ Malum

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*Michael's P.O.V*

I ran. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I wanted to run away from everything. From my problems, my life, my pain. Everything. What I saw an hour ago broke my heart.

The tears in my eyes blurred my vision and I didn't know where I was running. Soon enough, I opened my eyes and found an abandoned house in the middle of no where.

I walked in and turned on the lights. I saw a couch with a blanket and that's what I needed right now. To be away from everyone and to be curled up in a blanket. I soon felt my eyes getting heavy and I fell asleep.

-an hour ago-

I walked up the steps to Calum's house with a smile on my face because today was the day we became friends. It's been about nine years and we've never spent a proper day together in ages. And maybe I could tell him about my feelings towards him, who knows.

Yeah, I do like him. More than a friend should. I like him. A lot. I'm gonna tell him I'm gay tonight but the chances of me telling him I like him are kind of low at the moment but I might find the courage to tell him.

I realise that I've just been standing at the doorstep so I knock on the door and walk in. To say I was prepared for what I saw was a lie because I wasn't. I saw calum with a barley clothed girl on his lap and they were kissing like there was no tomorrow. I felt tears prick in my eyes. Calum finally noticed I was there and that was when I started running.

-2 hours later-

*Calum's P.O.V*

After I ran after Michael, he finally stopped at this weird abandoned house. 'He couldn't have gone in there.' I thought to myself. 'But it wouldn't hurt to check' and I walked towards the door.

To say the sight was adorable was an understatement. I saw michael wrapped in a blanket in a little ball. Everything was okay until I walked closer and I saw his tear stained face. "Michael. Michael. Wake up. Its me, calum" I whispered as I gently shook him. He moved around a bit and then woke up. What happened next was something I did not expect. "Calum. I'm gay and I uh like you. A lot. Please don't hate me"

"I like you too Michael" I admitted and I felt my cheeks burn up. His eyes lit up as he moved closer to me and planted a kiss on my lips. It felt amazing. I pulled back and said "this place is our little secret. Okay?" "Okay" and we cuddled on the couch all night.

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