Back for you ➳ Cake

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*Calum's P.O.V*

After my alarm rang, I woke up excitedly, jumping out of bed. It was my 2 year anniversary with Luke, obviously I'd be excited. I turned to my side to look for Luke and that's when it hit me. Luke's still in his deployment for the military.

All trace of happiness and excitement disappeared and I sulked over towards the bathroom to freshen up. After freshening up, I walked over to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

I start getting random items and placing them on the counter, humming along to one of the songs that is currently being played inside my head. Just as I place my plate of food onto the table, a phone rings. I groan but move to answer it. "Hello?" An excited voice answers. "Hey. Calum. Yeah. We need you to come over to mine and Michael's place. We need to talk to you about something important." Ashton's voice rings through the phone. "Can I at least have breakfast?" I groan. "No. We'll give you breakfast. Come on please." Michael says. "Fine. Give me 5 minutes."


Making my way up the stairs to Michael and Ashton's shared apartment, I get lost in my thoughts. Luckily, my legs know exactly where to go. Once I make it to the door, it opens before I can even knock and I'm greeted by all my friends yelling "Surprise!".

I ran up to Michael and Ashton, giving them the biggest hug I could give without breaking my arms. "Thank you guys so much. But why did you do it?" I ask, giving them a questioning look. Ashton gives Michael a quick look on which Michael nods in response. "We know that today is your 2 year anniversary with Luke and we also know that he's not here so we decided that we could keep you company by throwing you a little surprise party, hopefully taking your mind of Luke for a while. We know how much you're worried about him." Ashton nods in agreement, "Yeah all that and we have something for you too."

I'm dragged by Ashton, feeling my shoulder almost dislocate hopefully it's something worth it. We finally stop, Ashton handing me an envelope. "What's this?" I ask Ashton. With a smile, he answers with a simple "Turn it over." Feeling a bit suspicious Ashton always had tricks up his sleeve, no matter where we were. Slowly turning it over, I see the ever so familiar handwriting. It's Luke's handwriting. All trace of suspicion gone with the wind, I quickly open the envelope. The letter inside read 'go to the place we had our first date.'

Shoving the letter into my pocket, I run up to Ashton. "Hey, Ash. I need your car keys." He gives me a questioning look but hands me his keys. Running through the crowd of people, thankfully avoiding bumping into them, I make it to the car. After, driving onto the highway, I was nearing to the park where we had our first date.

I got out of the car, running to the exact tree where we had our first date, I look around excitedly, hoping to find something. To my disappointment, I found nothing. I sigh to myself and slowly make my way back to the car. Suddenly, I feel a strong pair of arms wrapped around me, making me tense up until I heard the familiar voice behind me whispering, "Hey babe. I'm back."

Luke placed a trail of pepper kisses around my neck, making me let out a small moan. He knew my neck was my weakest spot. "Luke. I've missed you so much." I say, turning around to face him, placing a kiss to his lips. Those lips that I've missed for so many months. I can finally say I feel home. "I've missed you so much Luke, you can't even imagine." I whisper, pulling back a resting our foreheads together. "I've missed you so much too. The thought of you is what kept me going every single day. I love you Calum." Placing a soft kiss to his lips, I mumble an 'I love you' against his lips.

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