Love sick ➳ Cashton

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Dedicated to : @Crystal69

*Ashton's P.O.V*

I slowly walk up the stairs to Calum's room, while holding a bowl of soup. Me walking up the stairs with a bowl of soup isn't the brightest idea, I'm the most clumsy person you'll ever meet. Nevertheless, I will try my best to get this bowl safely to Calum.

After reaching the final step, I let out a small yell of success, causing me to spill a bit of the soup. "Shit. I'll get that later." I mumble to myself, hurrying to Calum's room. Pushing the door open with my back, I sing "guess who's back with soup for you?" Calum looks up at me with a small smile tugging at his lips. "Thanks." He whispers, letting out a small sneeze. "Aww you're so cute when you sneeze. Anyway, here's your soup."

Calum takes the bowl from between my hands and frowns, "I'm not cute when I sneeze. I'm a grown man." I laugh, kissing his nose. "Yes you are cute when you sneeze. Your nose goes all wrinkly and then when you sneeze it's the cutest thing ever." Calum pouts and looks away, "I'm a grown man Ash. I am not cute, I'm manly. Right?"

I chuckle, moving to the other side of the bed to cuddle him, "of course you are babe. You're the manliest of men." Calum smiles, clearly pleased with himself. When I'm finally next to him, I take the bowl of soup from his hands, earning myself a moan of protest from him. "I can feed myself Ash." Calum pouts, sticking his tongue out at me.

"I know babe, but I want to take care of you because I love doing that." I smile, feeding him a spoonful of soup, which he gladly accepts with an open mouth. I smile to myself while thinking of how lucky I am to have him here with me. Even if he was sick, I'm still the luckiest man on earth to have him.

"Why are you staring at me and smiling like that? I'm scared." Calum says jokingly, with a shocked expression. I laugh, "No baby. I'm just smiling at the thought of how lovely you are and how lucky I am to have you -" I'm interrupted by Calum sneezing followed by him blowing his nose. "-even if you're sick." I chuckled, pulling him into my chest.

"I love you too babe but aren't you gonna get sick from being this close to me while I have the flu?" Calum says, burying his face in my neck. "I don't care as long as I get to be this close to you." I say, rubbing patterns onto Calum's back. I hear Calum yawn, hiding his face deeper in my neck, his breathe tickling my neck. "Goodnight Cal. Hope you feel better soon." I say, placing a soft kiss to his temple , slowly feeling my eyes getting heavier.


I feel something stir next to me and I slowly open my eyes to see Calum starting to wake up. "Good morning babe" I whisper, placing a kiss to his lips. "Good morning love" he mumbles. As I'm to caught up in staring at Calum's beautiful face, I fail to notice the two figures standing in the doorway until one of them screams "Awww! Oh my God, you guys look so cute!"

I laugh after I realise whose voice it is. "Shut up Luke. He's tired. Mikey can you take him somewhere and shut him up?" Michael nods, while laughing out "My pleasure." With that, Michael drags Luke out of our room, earning screams of protest and how he wants to stay.

I laugh to myself as my thoughts engulf me. All I could think of right now is how beautiful and perfect this boy laying next to me is and how lucky I am to have him. Slowly, I feel myself drifting off to sleep, last thing I hear is someone mumbling an "I love you" making me smile in my sleep as I hold on to Calum.

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