Everytime ➳ Muke

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Song: Everytime We Touch by Cascada.

I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me.

As they lay sleeping peacefully, arms wrapped around each other, Luke's face breaks out in a smile. Why he's smiling in his sleep isn't the hardest question to answer. He can simply hear Michael's voice in his sleep, telling him how much he loves him.

"I want you to know how much I love you. I love you more than the number of stars in the sky. I love you more than the number of grains of sand on the earth. I guess what I'm trying to say is I love you a lot and I would never trade you for anything in the world." Michael says, taking Luke's face in his hands, bringing him closer to place a sweet kiss onto his lips.

I still feel your touch in my dreams.

Luke can feel the warmth of Michael's hand on his cheek in his sleep, making him smile bigger and hold on to Michael tighter. Even in his sleep, Luke can't get Michael out of his mind. Michael is the only thing Luke thinks about, day or night. Awake or asleep. This is proof that true love still does exsist.

Forgive me my weakness but I don't know why, without you it's hard to survive.

The next morning Luke can't help but wake Michael up with a kiss, causing him to flutter his eyes open and put his arms around Luke, pulling him closer therefore deepining the kiss. "What was that for?" Michael asks innocently.

"That was for loving me. And what you said at night." Luke says with a big smile. Michael looks at him confused, "but I wasn't awake at night? Care to explain." He says, crossing his arms on his chest. "Oh yeah I forgot. I had a dream that you said you loved me and all that so I thought I'd do this. Even if it's not the biggest thing I could give."

"You could give me your dick." Michael smirks while Luke looks horrified. "I'm just joking babe. I love you and I love this so please do it more often." Luke sighs, clearly relived, "I could never live without you. I love you Mikey." He says, closing the gap between his and Michael's lips.

Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling. And everytime we kiss, I swear I can fly.

With there lips locked and their hands intertwined, the only thing going thought both their heads is the feeling they get when they touch each other, and it doesn't have to be romantically. Even small touches like accidental pinky touches when passing the remote or reaching for the popcorn bowl and the same time. It just sends electric sparks up and down their spine.

And if that's how they feel with small accidental touches, you can probably imagine what they feel when they're kissing. You might ask what they feel, but what they feel is indescribable. There is no word in the world that could describe what they feel so we simply use 'indescribable'.

Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last. Need you by my side.

Pulling back, Michael looks into Luke's eyes, "I want this to last. I want you with me forever. I know we're too young to propose and get married then get kids but I swear, once we reach the age, I'm going out and buying you a ring. I need you here, by my side. Forever."

Luke could feel his cheeks burning up by the second with his words. He quickly buries his face into Michael's neck to hide the fact that he's blushing. "I love you too Mikey. Did you really mean that?" He mumbles. Michael runs his fingers through Luke's hair with a small smile, "Yes I did. And I will make sure it happens."

Luke pulls back from his little hiding position, not caring about his blush, "I love you Michael. I don't want anyone or anything to take you away from me. You are mine and mine only." He says, placing small kisses to Michael's lips.

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