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Preston was worried, to say the least of his feelings during the past week. Max had been more...distant. And while it is pretty common of Max to be a lone wolf, he's been acting strangely. Preston decided that he was going to try to discus the situation with Max, to see if he could get him to open up.


"Hm?" Max looked horrible. Dark circles lived under his eyes, his dark curly locks were all over the damn place, and his aqua blue eyes no longer shined like they used too. He looked like a completely different person.

"Y-you've been acting um, how do I put this, off lately. Is everything okay love?" Preston asked, worry growing in his voice. Max froze, he swallowed hard. Beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

"Y-yeah!" Max responded, trying to keep his voice from cracking. Guilt curled up inside his stomach. His hands started fidgeting. Preston noticed how he looked askance. (if anyone gets this reference I LOVE YOU)

"Ya sure? It's just, I want nothing but for you to be okay." Preston explained. Placing his hands on Max's shoulders. Max looked up at Preston, tears trying to make their way. But they didn't.

"I love you. And whatever it is that you are going through, I'll stand by your side." Preston spoke, he then hugged Max tightly. Max held back, giving him a tight embrace. He almost felt like collapsing on the floor and sob his heart out. But he couldn't, or else he'd have to tell Preston about Nurf.

Max felt guilt and shame create a rain cloud over him. His boyfriend said he'd be there no matter what.

How could Preston possibly be there for a murderer? That's just a silly thought that Max hoped with all his heart was true.

"Well, I'm gonna go to work. See ya" Max placed a kiss on Preston's forehead and waved goodbye before walking out the door.


"Hey Max, how ya doin'?" Ered asked as she adjusted her long blonde hair into a low ponytail. Her signature purple streak still there. Max gave a small smile.

"Eh, could be better." And it's true, he DEFINETLY could. "How about you?" He questioned.

"Pretty cool, ya know. Life's nice. Also have you heard the news about the murder?" Ered asked again, the tone in her voice more solemn. Max panicked a bit. Well, majorly.

"N-no. What murder?" Max lied, and tried to act as best as he could.

"Ya remember Nurf? The bully from Camp? Well he got beaten to death!" Ered explained. Max went wide-eyed, as if he'd never heard these news before.

"Wait really? That's awful!" Max gasped. To be honest, he deserved an award for the acting. Ered nodded.

"Super uncool man. Like, I get that he used to be a bully, but like it's not his fault he grew up with a screwed up childhood! Makes me feel pretty bad." Ered sighed and shook her head.

"Anyways, we better get to cooking! People are hungry!" Ered gave a half smile as she walked away to the kitchen. Max released a breath he didn't know he was holding. He bit his lip and cracked his knuckles before going away to cook.


Max followed Ered, both carying garbage bags, they were at the back of the restaurant. They were also wearing gloves, because trust me, that garbage was the grossest thing in life.

As max walked, he heard Ered saying, "Hey Max, why are you carrying a knife?"

Max, confused looked at his free hand, and saw a knife.

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