ix. finale

508 31 55

Includes suicide.

Preston felt like throwing up. His heart was beating too fast, his eyes were leaking, his hands trembled.

It was Max, all this time.

Preston stumbled backwards and ran to the living room. He grabbed the phone with shaky hands. He loves Max, but it was for his own good.

He dialed 911 on the phone. He felt shot of breath because of the shock. Suddenly another voice was heard.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Yes, please I need you to hurry, m-my boyfriend, he-he's a murderer please hurry-"


The sound of his voice made the hairs stand up on his arms and neck. It had a hint of hate, of betrayal, of heartbrake. Preston dropped the phone and slowly turned around.

Max stood in front of the door. His clothes were bloody, he had a knife in hand, his cheek had a bruise and so did his eye. It took Preston a while to understand, but then it hit him. The blood, oh god. He kills someone...again.

"Max, I-"

"I trusted you," Max said innocently. It was uncomfortable. "I thought you loved me!" He snarled.

"Sir?" The dispatcher asked, but Preston couldn't speak, his vocal cords couldn't make a sound.

"Oh well, nothing good lasts does it now?" Max tightened the knife around his hand.

He was going to kill Preston.

Preston screamed as Max swung the knife and sliced a small part of his arm. Preston punched Max square in the jaw, then kneeled him in the stomach.

"Agh!" Max groaned as he stumbled back, fury in his eyes. He wasn't going to stop until Preston was dead.

"Please Max! Stop!" Preston cried, but to no avail. Max jumped on top of him and punched him in the face. Preston screeched, Max swung the knife again, but Preston held his arm tightly.

"Please!" Preston shouted, then pushed Max away. Max landed on the floor. Preston quickly got up and ran first into the bathroom, then grabbed a gun he hid inside the cabinet. He turned and Max stabbed his arm.

Preston cried in pain and hastily shot Max's leg. Max fell to the floor.

"Get back here!" He screamed, but Preston ran up to his room instead. He locked to door and cowered into a corner. He held his rapidly bleeding arm, and watched the blood oozing out of the wound. He ripped a piece of the curtain and wrapped it around his arm. He could hear Max moaning in pain and screaming every time he moved, Preston felt the same pain, but didn't scream too much.

He wondered when the police would come. But then he realized that he left his phone out there. Why as he so stupid! Surely the cops would somehow trace the call back to here.

Would it be too late by then?

He didn't want to think about the outcome. Just staying alive...if he could even do that.

He thought back to the previous month. What had happened that made Max like this? Was he having mental issues? Did he do it out of spite? This wasn't the Max he used to know. His Max was nice and loving, and although he used to be a jerk, he had changed.

Bam! He hears on the door. Max is pounding on it, screaming "Let me in!!", while scraping it with his knife. Preston shoots at the wall once, that silenced him a bit.

That night, the night Max killed Nurf. Preston had noticed that the house smelt like fire or smoke. Could that have been Max burning the evidence? Maybe. The same with Ered. He didn't have to clean anything with Harrison's death, that was bloodless. Nerris, he probably used gloves and shot her. It was hard to think about who he murdered just a few minutes ago. Was it a child? A person with a family? An old friend? He didn't know.

He knew one thing, Max was sick. Emotionally, mentally, every thing. It made Preston sick to his stomach. Why. Why him? Why someone he loved so much?

Bam, bam! Again, the door pounded with the screeching, grunting, scraping. Preston swore he heard sirens, he couldn't hear them anymore. Maybe because his vision was turning fuzzy, or his arm felt numb, or that Max kept pounding on the door. Louder and louder each time.

He was going to die, either from blood loss in a few minutes, or in Max's hands.

Bam! The door swung open. Max stood with a limp, but his face was sinister and full of anger. Preston screamed and reached for his gun. But he was so tired, so fatigued.

Max lunged onto Preston, and punched his face again, he had a bruised lip and a black eye. Preston tried to hold tightly to Max's arm to keep him from stabbing him. It hurt so badly.

"I trusted you!" Max screamed, kicking Preston's leg, Preston screeched. He heard pounding on the front door. Maybe the police was here, he could hold on for a few minutes. But could he?

Max slapped him, punched him, kicked him and scratched him. Preston pleaded and still held onto Max's arm.

"P-please! Max! I love you a-and it's f-for your own good! Please," Preston sobbed. Snot ran down and blood oozed from his nose and the cut on his forehead.

Max stopped for a second, and his face softened. He panted and his hands shook. For a second, Preston could see how scared he was. He could see the real Max. Maybe he would stop. Maybe he could get his boyfriend back, have him get better, maybe, just maybe, life could be normal.

With one quick motion, Max plunged the knife into Preston's stomach. Preston gasped and stopped breathing for a second. He looked down at the blade inserted into him. Crimson spilled and ran down. He felt tears well up in his eyes.

His vision was darkening, his body felt numb, and he breathed his last breath before the life drained out of him.


Max breathed and looked at the body in front of him.

It was Preston. He killed the person he loved the most. How could he? What did he do? He heard voices and footsteps. No, no. He couldn't live the rest of his life in jail with the guilt and ache of his sins.

It would be better to end it all.

He sobbed quietly before taking Preston's gun. He was shaking, but it didn't matter. He loaded it and the footsteps got closer. He put the gun to his head. He took in a deep breath.

It would all be over soon.

And a gun shot was heard.


Hi guys! It's me Alexsa, and this is the final chapter of this book! I know it was short, but I was running out of inspiration. But I hope you liked it! A LOT of you guessed the ending right, and congrats for that! Anyways, I'll see you in any of my other books.


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