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"Good morning Ares, It seems that last night, 25 year old Nerris committed suicide at-" Max instantly switched the channel from the news to a movie channel, it was a horror movie, about a clown and some kids. Max didn't pay attention, instead continued to eat his bagel.

He was on edge the last two weeks, irritable, mad at little things, but at the same time felt no emotion. Preston had also noticed his change in personality. Max had always been rude and sarcastic, but usually joked, he never meant any of the remarks he made. He laughed things off and was more laidback. Now he even seemed more paranoid. Preston had tried to ask him why, but never got an answer.

"Babe, I gotta go to work." Preston went up to Max and kissed his forehead. Max gave him a small smile.

"See you," Max mumbled as Preston left. Max sighed. What happened to him? Oh right, he started killing people. Most of the time he blamed it on someone else. If Nurf wasn't there maybe it would've never happened, if Preston spent more time with Max Harrison would've never been killed, If Ered would've shut up she'd be alive. But in the end, it's his fault.

Max did all of it, and he can't deny it.

Max decided to take his phone out and scroll through Instagram. Something he rarely did recently. Wonder why. He mindlessly liked photos and looked at stupid videos. He just needed a distraction, something to put his mind at ease.

Max groaned in annoyance when he couldn't keep his mind distracted. He turned the channel on the TV.

"Well, I just feel like I can't talk to people." The blonde girl on the TV said.

"Then just write it in, like, a diary!" The brunette spoke up.

"That'll help? To keep my mind off things?"


Max laughed at the stupidity of that. Really? A diary would help you escape all of the thoughts and secrets clawing at your head to get out? That are trying to kill you? Yeah right. Max shrugged and walked to his room, then collapsed on the bed.

Maybe he could write his feelings after all.


Preston could barely work. His mind was just shut off, or didn't want to work at this moment. It just kept replaying the times where him and Harrison were together.

His best friend.


After so many years, someone just has the audacity to come and kill him. What did he ever do!? He never deserved it.

Preston felt tears well up in his eyes. He quickly wiped them away. He noticed that Nerris hadn't come yet. He had called her countless times, she never answered. He sighed. It must be so hard on her. The one person she cherished and loved was gone forever, never to be seen again. He got up and went to get some coffee. Encountering his co-worker, Dave.

"Um Dave, have you seen or heard of Nerris? I haven't and it's worrying me." Preston sked. Suddenly, Dave had a sick look on his face. Surprise, shock.

"Y-You haven't hear the news?" Dave stammered. Preston shook his head slowly. Dread and fear washed over him like a wave.

"She uh...she committed suicide because of Harrison." Dave mentioned.

Preston broke.

Both of them, gone. Dead. Forever. Never to be seen again. He couldn't believe it. What would he do without them? Preston dropped his coffee, he didn't bother to pick it up before he left. He rode the car home, tears streamed down his face, he felt his heart ache and his vision started to get a bit blurry from the tears. He started to remember memories from back then. From Camp Campbell.

When he first met them.

He was lonely at camp. He had no friends and was constantly made fun off. He thought about running away, but it would be useless. That was until Nerris and Harrison came to camp. He talked to them, and they shared similar interests. He felt safe and like he could relate to them. They were all the most creative and, in other words, magical group in camp. Preston couldn't feel happier knowing he had made friends with people who understood him and didn't belittle him.

Preston arrived home. When he went inside, he noticed Max wasn't there. He was somewhat happy, he wanted time alone. Time to think and to be sad and cry, to express his feelings, and no one would be there to stop him.

He entered their room. Also empty. He sat on the bed, then saw a paper. He recognized Max's messy handwriting. He never told him it looked...bad...he didn't have the heart to do it. He grabbed it and started to read.

He felt like throwing up.

So, this is like a paper where I'll write my thoughts and stuff. And if someone else is reading this, guess you found my secret. That I was the one that killed Nurf, Ered, Harrison, and Nerris. At least for now. I need something to express myself and let things come out, or something. Anyways, I feel horrible knowing how Preston will feel after he discovers this. After he finds out that Nerris died, or "killed herself". Or at least that's how I set it up to be. I didn't mean to start killing people, I didn't. It started with Nurf. He started to harass me on my way home, he beat me up, so I did. And I killed him. After that, Ered was being annoying about his death at work, and I accidentally spilled the beans. So I had to kill her, so that she wouldn't tell. Then Harrison showed up for the polygraph test, since he was also his roommate at the time, before he moved in with Nerris. Then I offered him a ride home the day later.

I couldn't help myself, I choked him to death.

After that, I went to visit Nerris, I also killed her. Bullet to the head. I then wrote a fake suicide note. And left.

Now this is what has happened. I've killed four people in around a month. Now I'm writing this crappy thing. Well, if you read this, I'm soon going to figure out and I might have to kill you, unless you're an officer or something, ha ha.

HELLO, it's a me, Alexsa. I hope this chapter was alright! Next chapter will probably be the last one though. This was short, I know, but thank you all! See you, bye!

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