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Nerris opened the door, only to see Max, all wet due to the rain outside.

"M-Max? Come in." She said, her voice still horse. Max walked into her house, mumbling a quick "Thank you" once he got away from the rain. He sat down on her couch and gave her an almost threating look, but at the same time a "I'm sorry" one.

"Hey Nerris," Max said. "I-I wanted to say...I'm sorry for Harriso-"

"It wasn't your fault." She interrupted, her voice breaking. "I-It was someone else. Don't say sorry."

But it was his fault. He was the one who brought Harrison into his car. He was the one who had choked him. He was the one who killed her boyfriend. Max looked away.

"Well," He gulped. "Can I use your bathroom?" He asked. Nerris nodded.

"Use the one next to my room." She explained. Max got up and headed for the bathroom, but then saw a door slightly opened. He went inside. It was Nerris' room. He looked around and found a gun on her nightstand. He walked over t it. Why would she have a gun? For protection? To kill someone? To kill herself?

To kill herself.

An idea popped into Max's head like a lightbulb. He looked around and took a cloth, then held the gun with the cloth. No fingerprints is role 01 of murder.

He then walked back and saw Nerris staring at a old photograph with her and Harrison. Too bad she won't look at it again.

"Max, I-" Nerris was cut off by Max jumping on her and pinning her to the ground. Nerris panicked and screamed. Max got angry and put his hand over her mouth in order to block out the screams. Nerris then kicked him in between his legs and he got off. She punched and kicked him and she tried to pry the gun off his hand. Max held the gun tight.

"Say hi to God."

A gunshot was heard as Nerris feel down. Blood spilled from her head and Max stood there. He sighed. He put the gun in her hand and went to write a note. A fake suicide note.

Dear friends and family,

I love you, I always did, but I couldn't hold on. With the death of my lover, Harrison, I found myself in this unbearable darkness. This thing consuming me. I felt it everywhere. I felt like this part of me was broken, shattered, and left in pieces. I wanted to so desperately fill in that hole, but I couldn't. I wanted to end it, I wanted to see him again. I'm sorry. I love you all. Goodbye.

Max put down the pen and left. He went to the store and bought some gummy bears, soda, and Hershey's bar. He drove back home and went to Preston.

"Hey Pres?" Max said.

"Yeah?" Preston answered. He sounded like he had been crying. Max was almost a bit angry. Why was his boyfriend crying over some stupid friend? Shouldn't he care about Max only?

"I brought your favorite. Gummies, soda, and chocolate." He smiled. Although he didn't want to. Preston looked at the treats and grinned, engulfing Max in a big hug.

"Thank you babe." He said. They cuddled for a while. Until Max fell asleep.

Max sat in complete darkness. He walked around and screamed Preston's name. But heard no answer. He kept walking until he heard a weird sound. He ran and ran. Until he saw a horrifying scene.

Another Max, a multiple, was stabbing Preston. Max tried to run and stop him, or himself, but he couldn't. He was frozen in place. The other Max looked at him and smiled.

Max awoke in a cold sweat, looking round for Preston. He was sleeping soundly. He sighed.

What was happening to him?


You guys probably hate me for this short, awful update. But I don't want to stop it

so here YA GO. I hate myself rn.

also have I spoken about my newest obsession stranger things-

back to our murders!~🔪🔪🔪🔪

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