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"Nerris!" Preston called while walking into her office, she was sitting in her chair, leaning against the wall. A sad look on her face and tears in the corners of her blue eyes. Preston gasped a bit, he had never seen this type of Nerris. She was always so happy and outgoing, not caring what people said or thought about her. She was like a burning star that never gave out.

Only now she looked like her burning passion was set out with icy, cold water.

"Y-Yeah?" She said softly, her voice horse. Almost as if she had been crying. Preston slowly walked up to her, seeing her pained expression.

"W-what's wrong?" Preston asked, instantly Nerris began sobbing, hugging Preston and spilling her tears on his shoulder. Preston started to rub her back, all the while she spitted out words he couldn't understand due to her crying.

"Okay okay, I'm gonna need you to calm down in order to understand you- " "Harrison!" She screamed, interrupting Preston.

"W-What? Did he cheat on you? Did he break up with you? What did he do?!" He sounded panicked, not knowing what to do.

"No! No..H-He's gone Preston!" Nerris sobbed more, Preston had a look of confusion. Gone what did she mean by that?

"What?" He mumbled, she proceeded. "Gone Pres, gone! S-Someone killed him and threw his damn body in the woods! That's what I mean!" She cried out while clinging onto Preston. This can't be happening, no, he can't be dead.

"W-Wait." He said as he turned the little TV on, watching carefully.

"Okay Ares, what do you have?" A man asked as the TV turned to a woman in front of the woods, a microphone in hand as ambulances, police cars and such sat in the background.

"Well Mike, I'm here in Campbell street, as you can see there are multiple police officers and ambulances behind me, as they try to figure out the death of 27 year old Harrison Evans. Police came when Michael Cumberbatch called saying he was driving with his headlights on when he saw what he thought to be a body, upon taking a closer look, he saw what he never thought he would. Now police are trying to uncover the case, one theory suggest that the two previous murders are connected to this one, and that maybe the same person is behind everything. So far we only know that he was choked to death, however he does have other injuries like the back of his head. Back to you Mike." The woman who was so called Ares said as the TV went back to Mike.

Preston stood frozen, he almost stopped breathing all together.

Harrison was dead? No, it can't be!

His best friend, the one who helped him when everyone else couldn't, the one who stood by his side when he needed him. That person was gone. And what did he do to deserve it? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Now Preston wonders, why? Why is it that most good people who deserve a billion diamonds are the ones to perish first? It makes absolutely no sense.

"H-he's gone..." Nerris cried quietly into Preston's shoulder. Preston felt tears roll down his eyes, his hands quivered, but not as much as Nerris'. He held tight to Nerris. Hugging her and resting his head on her shoulder. First Nurf, then Ered, now Harrison? He just wanted it to be over.

After a minute of hugging, Nerris asked a single question. The same one he had been thinking.



"Max!" Preston cried out as he entered the house, watching as Max walked down the stairs. He went up to Max and hugged him. It was a bit hard for Max to hug back, considering he was very short.

"How was work babe?" Max said as he nuzzled his head in Preston's neck. Preston sighed in return.

"Um, I have news. Bad news. A-and um...should I j-just get to it?" Max already new what he was going to say. All night he regretted what he did. He regret killing Harrison. But it wasn't because he took a life, to be honest, he couldn't care less about that part. But because Harrison was Preston's best friend. He was one of a kind. And now he had to suffer seeing his lover suffer. Seeing cry because he missed that poor excuse of a human being. To be honest, Max was a bit jealous of Harrison. How Preston would sometimes rather hang out with him instead of Max, his own boyfriend. And he'd rather hang with that stupid piece of garbage. Now, Harrison wasn't a problem. Now he'd have Preston all to himself.

"What is it?" Max asked, with a more solemn tone. Preston sniffled a bit and wiped a tear off his eye. He shook a little as he took a deep breath and spoke carefully.

"S-so um, Harrison um...last night he was found dead in t-the woods was all on the news this morning. N-Nerris also found out a-and..she's not doing too good. Um, my boss, she gave me and Nerris two weeks off because of how it would affect us and um, just I want you to know that there will be a funeral, would you like to come?" Of course he had to. If he wanted to prove he "cared".

But he rather beat a monster that it's face opens up from an alternate dimension with a baseball bat that has spikes in it. Is that enough proof to show he wanted Harrison to die?

"Sure, if it makes you feel better." He smiled weakly and kissed Preston on the cheek. Wow, 10/10 acting Max. Sure Preston would be proud if you weren't acting because you killed someone he really cared for.

"T-thanks babe, I'm going to rest." Preston said, pecking Max's cheek and leaving up to his room. He sighed. Now he had to attend a dumb funeral. Could the day get any worse? He sighed and put on his hoodie.

"Hey babe!"


"I'm going to the store for a few," Max answered. Preston replied with an "okay". He soon left, having another plan.

Het guys, sorry for not updating. I just sometimes feel unmotivated. Eugh it sucks. Tbh I'm kinda not really in the fandom anymore. Not that I don't like Camp Camp, I'm just not all over it like I used to be. I hope that you understand. At the moment I'm contemplating discontinuing it or having someone else continue to write it. Tell me in the comments. Sorry to be a failure haha. Bye.

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