chapter 1

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being a princess was easy, well when I was a kid it was now that I'm sixteen it's not so easy, people say that all I do is order servants around well that's not true I do so much more. I help my parents run the kingdom since I'm next in line, I help design dresses, parties, its a lot of work and it got even harder after my mother passed away. my mom was the one who kept me calm, sweet, kind and gentle, without her I became the stone princess.

"your highness" i hear my maid say

 "yes" i reply bored

 " today you have a tight schedule, you have your gown fittings, the decorations need to be picked out, and you need to choose the guest list which includes inviting 10 royale princes that will stay at the palace, by the end of three months you will have to have a prince you like picked out for marriage." she told me flatly 


"because your father is retiring." 

"fine, I will just rule by myself." 

" it's not possible, now I see why everyone calls you the stone princess, you have no kindness."

 I rage " what did you just say, you have no right to call me that, get out now!!"

 I fall back hitting my pillow softly after the door slams. I have so many questions. why do I have to rule a whole kingdom now, I'm only sixteen I shouldn't even be close to thinking about getting married yet but here I am, I have three months till I marry and rule.

"Tea miss" I nodd as I watch Eleanor put the tea and biscuits by my bed. I know it's not ladylike but when i am by myself, like right now, i sprawl across my bed writing to my best friend in berlinia, going to some fancy school for princesses who don't have to marry and rule a kingdom in three months, as I write my quill pen skids over the paper and leaves a huge blotch of ink on the letter. "Oh blast," I say as I dab at the ink with my handkerchief before it can run off the paper and onto the white counterpane.

I hear a knock on the door " come in" I say absentmindedly. Lady marigold peeps around the door frame. I sigh as I study her, her looks never fade even at her age. Her hair gleams like polished wood and her large storm-grey eyes sparkle. She smiles kindly at me, I like lady marigold; she and my dad are best friends so she is like a sub mom. 

"Oh dear I see you are making a disaster of your letter, maybe you should start writing on your desk," she says laughing softly.

 I smile and nodd, I get up and take the pen and ink to my elegant white desk and set them down. Lady Marigold brings over a chair and sits down,

 "the twills ball is tonight then Ella's coming home for her birthday ball." ( Ella is my best friend who is in berlinia)

 " really!" I say excitedly

 "yes and your final dress fitting is in ten minutes so we need to go" 

"ok," I tell her as I grab my sweater and slip into my shoes, I follow her out of my room.

the stone princess  ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now