PRANK CALL 7| Sasuke, Hinata, Naruto & Sakura (naruto) !

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Arigato minna san for 43votes on this book! I hope it will soon reach 50votes!

Anyways this chapter is dedicated to @auzora_shipra_tsuki ! This is not a request from her, but for being awesome reader, i m dedicating this to her. Read her book LIFE'S LIKE THAT! Its really a funny book!:)


Me: *after watching naruto shippuden's episode 'truth'* *crying* i..i can't see anymore...this episode's just too much for me...for a girl like me who always loves enjoying...i really need to do something otherwise my heart would scatter into a million pieces...i...i wanna SEE SASUKE'S SMILE...NOT HIS TEARS... (a/n yes its true...that episode actually REALLY made me cry ;'( !! )

Om: *comes into the room* hey sis why are you crying...?

Me:...ahh won't understand...! *wiping tears*

Om: why? tell me!

Me: do you watch naruto?!

Om: No!

Me: that's why you won't understand my pain...*still sad*

(after one hour of thinking, an IDEA, a SMILE, a SMIRK and then an EVIL SMIRK appeared on my face! *whoh i sure have mood swings*)

Me: Lets prank call and prank...gehihi...just like how we did to poor happy and sebastian! *showing fake sympathy*

Om: What do you mean by WE?! Its always YOU prank calls!

Me: yeah whatever...*smirk* did you forget that you MESSED UP when i allowed you to prank call Gon, huh? *narrows eyes at om* w-whatever you w-want! I am going out to play cricket with my friends!

Me: at least you are good at that!

Om: and you suck at that! *shows tounge* :P

Me: *shows tounge too* just GO OUT already!

*dials hinata's number*

Hinata: moshi moshi! This is hinata speaking!

Me: *sasuke's voice* hi, hinata! This is sasuke.

Hinata: sasuke-kun?! did you get my number?

Me: *thinking*

Hinata: sasuke-kun? you there?

Me: ahh yes! I got it from sakura...!

Hinata: ohh i see! So what did you wanted to talk about? *smiles*

Me: well...hinata...i..I L-Love you! (a/n yay! SASUHINA)

Hinata: *blushes and faints*

(i ended the call)

Me: yosh! now Naruto~ *dials number*

Naruto: *eating ramen* Moshi mosh!

Me: *sasuke's voice* yo naruto!

Naruto: oh hey Sasuke! What's up?

Me: nothing! you?

Naruto: eating Ichiraku's ramen! +_+

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