PRANK CALL 10| Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood!

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This is NOT a request! I am really sorry... cause I am not getting any ideas for your requests...iit's clearly written "requests ON-HOLD" I am reallg sorry...

I got the idea of pranking Edward so please enjoy! :) I promise to work soon on the requests!! :)


Me: B-O-R-E-D!!! I AM BORED! B-O-R-E-D!! I AM BOR---

Om: Shouting like that won't decrease your boredom!


Om: no

Me: yeah

Om: no

Me: yeah

Om: no

Me: yeah

Om: no

Me: no

Om: yeah

Me: yeah! That's what I am saying! *laughing*

Om: no I meant NO!

Me: but you said it yourself! *showing tounge*

Om: sheesh Whatever!

Me: it's not "Whatever" !! It's that you lose!

Om: I have a match today! *walks out*

Me: loser! ...hey now he's gone to! *pout* WHO AM I GONNA TEASE???!!!

*Thinking... thinking... thinking... LIGHT BULB IN MY HEAD*

Me: ahh I know! *evil smirk* how about I call Edward and tease him to death! Gehehe... gehehe... *laughing like Gajeel from Fairy Tail*

Me: *dials*

Ed: Hello

Me: *sing song voice* A B C D E F G H I J K---

Ed: What the hell are you speaking? *yells*

Me: I am not speaking! I am singing! BAKA!!

Ed: YOU ARE BAKA! *pissed*

Me: I am not BAKA! I am Me!

Ed: Me? O.o

Me: NOT you! Me!

Ed: ehh?

Me: Not "Ehh" SHORTY!


Me: who said you are short? You are SHORTY!

Ed: I AM NOT A SHORTY EITHER!! It's just that you guys are alk giants! *yells*

Me: humn....

Ed: what?

Me: if you want that everyone stop calling you shorty then repeat after me, ok ed?

Ed: ye--- wait how do you know my name?

Me: ehh... yo-you just told me just a moment ago.... you must've forgotten *awkward smile*

Ed: I did?

Me: YEAH! now repeat after me before it's too late!


Me: I, Edward Elric...

Ed: I, Edward Elric...

Me: tired of being called a shorty...

Ed: tired of being called a shorty...

Me: good

Ed: good

Me: don't say that!

Ed: don't say that!

Me: ughh... you guys can call me short but not shorty... Thank you!

Ed: ughh... you guys can call me short but not shorty... Thank you

Me: aww... your welcome Short! :)

Ed: ye--- WAIT WHAT?!!!! *YELLS*

I hunged up and then watched the ceiling carefully and then suddenly started laughing!


Me: ohh philosophers stone what a day! :"D


FINISHED! I hope you guys liked it! :)

Plz VOTE and COMMENT! :)

I am sorry again...

~ja ne~


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