Chapter Two

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~ Frank's P.O.V ~

I grumbled when my alarm went off. Then I picked up my phone and squinted my eyes to see the time on the phone. My face was still in pain from the slap that my mother gave me. It was 6:00 am. I walk to school with Ray every morning, so I got out of my bed and took a shower. When I was finished taking a shower, I pulled out a clean underwear, a misfits shirt and a black skinny jeans along with a hoodie. After my clothes were on, I grabbed my eyeliner and applied it to my face and smudged it a little. My hair was wet but I didn't care, but I did care that his eyes were all red and puffy so people will probably know that I cried myself to sleep last night. I could only groan in frustration.

But I just shrugged it off and grabbed my phone along with my school bag and went downstairs. When I reached at the bottom of the step, I paused. I found my mother sprawled out on the kitchen floor, she probably passed out from last night's drinking . This was nothing new to me, so I just rolled my eyes, grabbed my keys and went out the door.

While I was walking to Ray's house, I realized that I didn't eat anything. Great.

When I got to Ray's house, it was 7:23 am. Ray wasn't outside waiting for me, as usual, so I knocked on the door and was met with Ray's mom.

" Oh, hi! Good morning Frank! Ray isn't ready yet but you can come in and wait inside. "

" Thanks Mrs. Toro "

" Would you like some coffee? " Mrs. Toro offered.

" Yes please, I would love some coffee " I gladly accepted that offer.

" Okay hun, go sit, while i make you some coffee. " With that being said, she made her way to the kitchen and I asked myself, " why couldn't my mom be kind like Ray's mom? " She treated me like was the one that killed my father. Ray's mom is nice and I was grateful for that.

Not long after, Mrs. Toro made her way back to the living room with two mugs of coffee, one was for me and the other, i'm assuming, was for her.

" So how's your mom, Frank? " She  asked with joy. She didn't know that my mom was a crazy alcoholic, so I couldn't help but look away for a few seconds.

" She's doing fine " I told her, forcing a smile on my face.

" Oh that's great hun! "

I felt guilty, I lied to Mrs. Toro. She deserved to know the truth but I didn't want her to worry about him. I was snapped out of my thoughts with a question from a worried Mrs. Toro.

" Oh my god, Frank! What happened to your face? " Her face changed from happy to full of concern.

I didn't reply.

" Do you want me to get ice or- "

She was cut off by Ray walking out of his room and into the living room, where we were.

" Oh Frank you're here already? and mom! Stop interfering with Frank's life and leave him alone. "

" Ray it's okay, your mom was just concerned that's all " I said, chuckling.

" I was trying to get rid of a fly so I got a book and tried to hit it with the book but then it went on my face and i ended up smacking myself with the book. " I told, hoping that it was believable, although i knew, it was a very stupid lie.

" Oh my, Frank you're silly! Anyways, you two better head out the door before you get late for school " She reminded us.

 " Right, lets go Frank, Bye mom "

" Bye Mrs. Toro " I waved.

Mrs. Toro waved back.


" Now, tell me what actually happened to your face "

My eyes widened after Ray spoke.

" But, that's exactly what happened, I- "

" Frank don't lie to me, you're not stupid to hit yourself with a book because of a fly, did your mom do that to you? " he asked.

I sighed with defeat because I knew Ray would never stop bugging me about this.

" Yes "

" Why? "

" Look, i'll tell you later, we're at school already "

I wasn't lying, we were right in front of their school's sign, ' Fanfic High '
(My best friend dared me to name the school Fanfic high) (:

" Oh, you're right, but you will tell me later, after school "

I shrugged, " uh huh "

Ray and I went our separate directions. Ray had math first and I had English first. We both had 5 classes a day. Thank god I was in my last year of high school. I wasn't paying attention and I bumped into this tall skinny boy. He had glasses and his knees were very awkward. He was with this other girl, I couldn't see her properly because she was behind the boy and she was short. 

" S-sorry, i didn't mean to bump into you, I-I - "

" Dude it's okay, chill, it was an accident, " the unknown tall boy assured me.

He then fixed his glasses and held his hand out for me to shake. 
" I'm Mikey, and this is my best friend, Victoria " I shook his hand and while I shook his hand, the girl, Victoria, moved from behind, the boy, Mikey.

" I'm Frank, Frank Iero " I surely didn't recognize these two at all, maybe they were new.

" Nice to meet you Frank " Mikey said.

" Hey, Frank, those are some rad piercings you got there. " Victoria said, a few seconds later. She had a smile on her face, she was about my height. She was wearing a black converse, black jeans, ripped at her knees and a twenty one pilots hoodie. She had a tattoo on her wrist, that I couldn't make out, and she had a lip piercing.

I couldn't help but blush " T-thanks "

" Hey, I got to go to English class, I'll see you guys for lunch..? I said, unsure. He also wanted to get his stuff from his locker sooner, so maybe he wouldn't have to deal with Bob, Bert and Zack.

" Sure, we have English too, what a coincidence " He chuckled
" We just transferred here, so we will need new friends, do you want us to walk with you since we have the same class together right now? "

" No it's fine i need to get a few stuff and it'll take a while and i don't want you guys to be late for class because of me " I told them.

" Oh okay, see ya' in class Frank! " Mikey yelled and then they both walked off.

The hall looked empty, so I quickly rushed to my locker and got my stuff. As I was about to close my locker, I felt like I was being surrounded by people. When I turned around, I saw Bob, Bert and Zack. I felt my heart rate increase in my chest, like it was asking for release from my body. I was sweating  as well and now, I wish Victoria and Mikey were here. They all had smugs smile on their faces and I knew that this wasn't going to end up well.



how was this? Please correct any errors i have, it's really late so..yeah 


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