Chapter Five

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~ Gerard's P.O.V ~ ( this will be rare )

I would be lying ifI said I wasn't nervous. I was going to teach art in front of a bunch of a teenagers. Frank was going to be in his class.

After what I heard today during lunch, I felt really bad for Frank. Nobody should ever have to go through that. When I stepped in this building, I did not expect to see a student surrounded by some bullies- and that kid was Frank. He looked hurt and his eyes were full of sadness.

Soon, students started to fill the class and it was almost time for me to start introducing himself as their new art teacher, and Frank wasn't here yet. I wanted to wait for him but I knew I couldn't so I stood up from my chair and went on and introduced myself.

" Hello class, my name is Mr. Way and I'm your new art teacher, " I  heard one of the students mutter a ' yeah, no shit ' which resulted in the class to laugh a bit, but I just tried to shrug it off and pretend I didn't hear that.

" won't be doing much today because, well- it's my first day and i'm absolutely clueless in what your names are, so i'm going to- " I didn't get to finish speaking because I was rudely interrupted with the door slamming open by a panting Frank, but I knew Frank didn't intentionally mean to interrupt my class.

" Sorry I'm late, I- I got caught up with something... " he trailed off awkwardly, but I didn't care if he sounded awkward because I was a little distracted. Earlier, I never took the time to look at Frank properly because I was too busy making sure if he was alright. Now that I was standing there in front of him, with furrowed brows, I realized that Frank was beautiful. He looked so fragile, like he needed someone to hold and protect him. Frank's black hair was pressed against his forehead because of the sweat. He had a nose piercing along with a lip piercing. His lips were chapped a little but that didn't matter. He was in complete awe from Frank's beautiful green hazel eyes which were completely worried because I was staring at his student. I needed to say something that made him know that it was okay, that he was late or something.

" No problem, just stay back after class and take a seat. " Frank sighed and made his way to his seat. The class was laughing at Frank, probably because he has to stay back after class. My anger bubbled up because that was nothing to be laughing about, it was so immature of them.

" Now, if you'd like to join him, please, continue laughing because that is very disrespectful of you all. " I snapped at the students which startled them a little. I was hoping that they didn't continue laughing because I wanted to talk to Frank or, if he was willing to. I didn't want to force Frank to talk to me.

And for my luck, they kept their mouths shut and some of their faces looked shocked.

~ Frank's P.O.V ~

I had to try my best to not laugh because I didn't want to get scolding as well.

" Okay, as I was saying.. I will give you a piece of paper and I want you to write something about yourself, " Mr. Way explained while issuing the blank piece of papers and then he nervously made his way back to his chair behind his desk. It was amazing how Mr. Way can change his mood from angry to nervous but I couldn't help but stare at him . He was scribbling something on a piece of paper while his black lanky hair fell in front of his face. I noticed that he was biting his lips almost hard enough for it to bleed. I could stare at him forever, but I could never be in a relationship with him. Besides, I didn't know anything about relationships because I had never been in one, I was too ugly for that, nobody saw the beauty in me and probably never will. Mr. Way was my teacher and I was already talking about relationships even though I barely knew him. Like I said earlier, I was underage and I knew for a fact that Mr. Way would never risk his new job for an ugly fuck-up like me, because I was never loved in the first place and never will be. If my mom hated me, then what made me think that a perfectly made human would ever love him? Although he looked concerned about me earlier, he was probably acting like he cared because that's what teachers are suppose to do, right? I just had to accept the fact that I'll never feel happiness ever again. I zoned out completely, maybe for too long because Mr. Way got up from his seat and announced that they only had approximately ten minutes. Fuck. Curse me for having a brain.

I then looked at my paper and realized that I didn't have a single word on my paper. I knew I had to write something, I couldn't just give it blank , so I wrote the first thing that came to my mind. ' I'm Frank Iero, i'm seventeen and I like to play the guitar. ' I liked to play the guitar and I named my guitar, Pansy, but I barley got to play it because of my mother. I had to clean up after her, cook dinner and I was hoping that she would keep her job because I would definitely have a tight schedule, leaving me no time for myself at all.

I then realized that Mr. Way was going around and looking at some students work. He was two tables away from mines, but when he did reach my table and read my paper, his eyes grew wide with excitement.

" Wow Frank, you should play guitar for me some time, that'd be interesting," He said walking away, nodding and givivng me a smile in the process. He went on to the next student. I couldn't help but smile. I saw Mr. Way walked up to the front and asked everyone to come up to his desk and give him their paper, when the bell rings. Not more than 6 minutes, the bell rang and everyone pushed and squeezed their way to get to Mr. Way's table to give him their paper while I sat in my seat patiently waiting for the stampede of students to clear up. I got up and put my paper on his desk and slowly made my way out of the classroom because I wasn't in a rush but Mr. Way stopped me.

" H-hey, Frank ? " I wan- Can I see you before you leave, please ? " Mr. Way asked slightly fidgeting in his seat. I forgot that from the beginning of the class, he had asked me to stay back so I nodded and dropped my bag on the floor by his desk.

Mr. Way got up and locked the classroom door with the sound of a ' click and  turned to face me. I didn't know what he was doing, I was a bit scared. 

" M-Mr. Way what are you- " I asked but wasn't able to finish because Mr. Way was hugging me.

" Please- call me Gerard... I- I actually hate it when people call me ' Mr. Way ' , it just sounds weird. "

"O-Okay " Was all I could say. With Gerard's arms wrapped around me, I felt like there was nothing to worry about. It almost made me forgot about my problems. I never wanted this hug to end because the feelings that I was feeling was so wrong but it felt all too good.



How's this? Sorry that i took forever to update  this but here it is. (:


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