Chapter Eleven

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~ Frank's P.O.V ~

After the second ' beep, ' there was a familiar voice on the other end. It was Gerard's.

" Hello? " Gerard said, his voice unsure.

" Hi um- it's Frank, " I told him.

" oh- hey Frank? You okay? "

" I'm fine, " I lied, " I just called to make sure that you didn't give me a random number.. "

" Oh.. why would I do that? " he asked, sounding a bit offended.

" I don't know, i'm sorry.. i'm just.. "

" It's okay, don't worry.. are you sure you're okay? " he questioned once more.

I didn't want to lie to him, infact, I couldn't bring myself to do so again.

" No.., I'm not okay, " I sighed.

" What's wrong Frank? Talk to me, "

" My mom.. isn't paying the bills anymore, so I need to start paying them now, "

" That's horrible Frankie- I'm so sorry, " Gerard cooed gently.

I liked the sudden nickname. It sounded beautiful coming from his mouth. It cause me to form a smile smile.

" Say it again- " I commanded without thinking.

" Oh, I see you like the nickname, huh, Frankie? " he teased.

" Y-Yes, " I admitted, nodding, even though he wasn't able to see it.

" I like it too, Frankie... oh- and I think I can help you with the job thingy, "

" You do??!?! " I exclaimed, my voice cracking a little, embarrassingly.

" Yeah, I have a friend that's looking for someone to work at starbucks, " he chuckled.

" Thank you.. " I said sheepishly with reddening cheeks.

" It's not far from school, if you want.. I can drive you there, on Monday, " he offered thoughtfully.

" If it's not a problem, thanks Gerard, " I told him.

" Alright, i gotta go... see ya tomorrow Frankie. "

" Bye Gerard. " I said and then the phone hung up.

I smiled to myself and Maybe..just maybe.. I wasn't so fucked after all.


I slept pretty awful last night, even though Gerard fixed a major problem for me, my mother's words still roamed through my head.

I was on my way to Mikey's house, then to Ray's then straight to school.

We got to school as the bell rang and we said our regular, ' see you at lunch' and went to class.

Well, I went to my locker, to get my books, the usual.


I didn't get a chance to open my damn locker because the next thing i knew was that my face was being pressed roughly against the cold metal.

" What the fuck do you assholes want? " I grumbled. I wasn't in the mood for this.

" Awh, we missed you yesterday, " Bob said.

" Well I obviously didn't, " I sighed, rolling my eyes.

" Should we shove your head down the toilet or beat you up until you bleed? " Bob asked himself even though he sounded like he was asking me.

Fix me Teacher/Student Frerard (NOT CONTINUING)Where stories live. Discover now