Chapter Four

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~ Frank's P.O.V ~

" Hey Ray, I want you to meet Victoria and Mikey. I accidentally bumped into them on my way to my locker earlier. "

Ray stood up from his chair and held out his hand out for them to shake. " Hey, I'm Frank's best friend, Ray . "

" Cool " Mikey said with a grin on his face.

While they were getting to know each other. I had my attention on someone else. I saw Mr. Way sitting at a table eating a sandwich, alone. He was right by the table where we were eating at. It was at least close enough for him to hear what we were talking about. It was almost like he was eavesdropping, maybe he was eavesdropping but I didn't want to put too much thought into it so I pushed that at the back of my mind.

"Frank, who are you staring at? " Ray asked.

"N-nobody, " I quickly turned my gaze to the floor.

Ray shrugged it off and resumed his conversation with Mikey and Victoria.

That was too close.

After a few minutes later, I spoke up.

" Hey did any of hear about a new teacher around here? "

"Oh! um-yeah, that's my big brother. He teaches art here now "

I nodded pretending that I didn't know this already, but what he didn't know, was that, that was his brother.

" That's cool! " Ray exclaimed.

" Yeah I guess, " Mikey shrugged, " He's only three years older than me though "

" Oh, how old are you? " Ray questioned.

" Eighteen " he replied.

" And what about you, Victoria ?

" I'm seventeen " Victoria said with a grin on her face.

If Mr. Way, Mikey's brother, was only 3 years older than me, then that meant that he was only 21. He was young, or at least that's what I thought. I was going to be 18 soon, in October.

" I'm eighteen " Ray told Victoria and Mikey. I already knew that. I knew a lot of stuff about him. Now, if I didn't, what type of best friend would I be?

There was an awkward silence between the four of us, but it wasn't a problem. I liked the silence, but it didn't last long because Ray broke the silence with a question I wasn't willing to answer.

" Hey Frank? I think now is a good time to talk about this,but now,  you have to tell us what happened to your face this morning and how it got worst " Mikey, Victoria and Ray gave me their full attention and I instantly got nervous.

I never liked talking about this at all. I always got uncomfortable. I didn't want anybody to worry about me because I didn't want to look weak in front of them.

" It's nothing, I promise, I'm okay. " I lied. Even though Victoria and Mikey knew something had happened before I came to class.

" Frank, I know you're lying. Even Mikey and Victoria knows you're lying- C'mon, please just tell us. "

I knew they weren't going to let this go especially Ray, I mean it was pretty obvious something was wrong. My face looked pretty bad and my eyes were puffy. I took a deep breath and told them everything. I told told them about last night, when I tried telling my mom that I was gay and since she was an abusive alcoholic, it didn't go so well, instead, I ended up getting slapped in the face, really fucking hard, leaving a mark, and was told to go take a walk. I then started rambling about being beaten up at my locker. I skipped the part where Bob told me some lie about his dad or else I would of started crying, again. I didn't tell them that the new teacher came and basically scared them away and offered me to talk after class, which I agreed to. 

After I was finished explaining, I regretted telling them this now because all I did was made them sad. Their face expressions explained it all.

" Frank i'm so sorry that this is happening to you, you don't deserve that " Victoria said softly.

" Yeah, i'm sorry too " Mikey moved his gaze to the floor.

Ray said nothing. He said nothing because he felt guilty although it wasn't his fault. Ray knew he got bullied but for some reason, he was never around when he did get bullied and Ray always felt guilty for that. Before I could protest to Ray that this wasn't his fault, the bell rang and I saw Mr. Way walked past their table. He looked very sad and when we made eye contact, the teacher shot me an apologetic look. I knew he heard everything. Fuck.

" Hey um, Frank I'm  really sorry about- " Victoria didn't get to finish because I cut her off.
" please stop apologizing, it's not your fault nor anybody else's " Victoria went silent, but not for long.
" Well um- me and Mikey got to go to class, cya later? "

" Yeah okay " With that being said, they left for class and I noticed Ray was still silent.
" Hey Ray? Aren't you going to class? " I didn't ask that to rush him or anything.
" oh yeah, right, I'll see you later Frank " He stood up from his seat without making eye contact and slowly drifted to his class.
Now, they were devastated for the rest of the day over me and it was all my fault. I knew, I shouldn't of told them about this, but I was an idiot so I still did. I couldn't stay here and blame myself. I had a class to go to. I got up from my seat and started walking to my class. I had math. I hated math.

I didn't pay attention at all in math. I was too busy, day dreaming about Mr. Way. I wanted to go to art class but time was ticking very slowly.

Like I said, time flew by slowly but it was finally time for art class. I was going to see Mr. Way again. Finally.

So sorry I took long to update. School has been hectic and I don't have my computer right now so I typed this on my phone. I'm so sorry for any errors in this chapter, please correct any errors if you see any (: I'll leave you with this bye!


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