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Taehyung's POV

I walked towards the dance room where my supposedly dance teacher would be at , waiting for me at the other end . Dragging my feet in the room , the cold blast of aircon made me shiver alittle .

"Oh hello Taehyung !! Im Hoseok , also known as Jhope . Im so happy to see you , lets get started right away !"

The man looked very enthusiastic and energetic, so much so that it was till the point that he looked alittle too scary and intimidating. He straight up looked like a horse but just the prettier and cuter version of it .

"I heard you needed some help in dancing ?"

I kept quiet .

"Come on , you gotta open your mouth and talk so i can understand you ." He grinned and poked my waist .

"Fine — you are only hired to teach me how to dance for my new theatre play , Cinderella . " i admitted .

"Oh thats such a coincidence! Im also teaching another kid for a cinderella play ." He laughed .

"Is he perhaps a Jeon ?  Jeon Jungkook?" My eyebrows arched , unamused .

He nodded silently but thereafter clapped his hands , shuffling the song on his radio that was placed all the way towards the other end of the spacious room . A classical piece started playing and the mood of the room had changed drastically — he was no longer laughing and he meant serious business when i saw how his body reacted to each beat in the piece .

I watch as he moved to the beat and free-styled some fancy moves for me to mimic while i tried to follow along , however stumbling on almost everything that he had done perfectly .

"Taehyung , your left foot has to move more . You look like a robot dancing ." Words of criticism left Hoseok's mouth and i felt targetted and annoyed by him . Who was he to tell me that i suck ?

"I haven't tried dancing all my life ." I defended myself while folding my arms .

"Its never too late to start now ! Cmon , I'll show you how to dance and before you know it , you will start liking it and perhaps even excel in dance!" Hoseok laughed and replayed the song by the click of a button that he had inside his pocket .

"I'll guide you while you dance along — dont feel shy ."

When the music started playing , i tried my best to recall the few steps that Hoseok had managed to pull off and followed along , trying my best to dance gracefully and allowing my body to flow with the rhythm freely .

I felt his touch on my shoulder , pulling my shoulders back so i would be standing straight instead of slouching — a habit of mine .

"You aren't that bad you know ? For a beginner . Ive seen worst ." He casually made a remark before pausing the song .

"I have 2 moves for you to practice till the next time we meet . I'll evaluate you then ." He spoke while i listened carefully to his instructions .

"Look at me carefully , okay ?"

He positioned himself infront of me while i took a seat on the floor facing the mirror . Looking at himself in the mirror , Hoseok started doing two fancy yet simple- looking moves for me repetitively so that i could catch it .

"Can i just record it so i can follow along ? Isnt that easier ?" I suggested but he shushed me .

"Then where's the challenge at ? Thats all you get from me today Taehyung . Cant wait to see you soon next week !" Hoseok patted my bag before gathering his equipments and radio before leaving the room , waving goodbye to me .

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