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The date of the official play was getting nearer day by day . Tickets were now available for everyone to buy and it was selling out fast as fans of Jeon and Claire were furiously spamming the left click of the computer's mouse , dying to get a ticket for themselves .

Taehyung 's name was removed from the casts , but instead , he was now a vip member and would be present on that day , seated at the front row .

Upon seeing this new arrangements , Taehyung's fans went berserk, trying their best to get the closest seat to their favourite idol , in hopes of seeing him in real life and a chance for any sort of interactions .

Taehyung sat in his room watching the news on his TV since it was covering the death of Mackenzie . He was curious as of how much the police officers knew and if he would ever get caught at all .

This wasnt the first time that he had done something similar like this , but the only difference was that he actually succeeded this time unlike the previous . He wanted to spike Mr Kim Namjoon's coffee but Mr Kim being a clumsy boss , he had accidentally spilled it all over Taehyung 's sweater when he was handing the hot mug to him .

It was wasted and he then forgotten about his ill intentions , brushing off the idea of spiking him , thinking that he should give him another chance to live .

He bit his lips , listening to the anchor talk about how the police responded to their endless number of questions from the tabloids who were following up with the case , saying that they were quite confident of catching the culprit since they had a few leads on hand .

"Taehyung ah , you are being called back to the station , they need to have a word with you ." Seokjin hyung pops by his room and made sure that he got his message across to Taehyung .


He didnt sabotage me and tell the police right ? Taehyung mumbled to himself as he was standing infront of the automated doors of the same police station where he was interrogated before .

Walking in , he realised that Jungkook was also there , seated at the corner of the room playing his phone while Claire had her eyes closed , probably resting .

"Kim Taehyung right ? You came just in time , we can start now ." A officer came out of no where , startling Taehyung . The lost boy trailed behind him as he took a sip of the bottled water he had just received the moment he walk in .

"There would be 2 interrogations for you today . One privately and the other with Jeon Jungkook ." The same officer began speaking , turning on his laptop where he would record his statements .

"That would be fine with me but im a busy person ... can we just get straight to the point ? " he furrowed his brows and stared at the officer impatiently as he keyed in the password to the laptop , opening up a fresh page of microsoft word.

"Alright , Mr Kim Taehyung . I have a few questions to ask you ."

"Unlike the previous time when i questioned you , i have a few new ones given by the higher ups here . Firstly , can you describe to me the clothes that you were wearing on that day ? Dont leave anything out ."

Taehyung scrunched his nose , trying to remember the exact outfit but he was internally struggling — his memory work was terrible and what he wore everyday wasnt something that he usually take note of .

However , it was the set costume , so he could still manage to blabber out the details after seeing it a few times during practice  , " i was wearing a white buttoned down shirt with a black blazer that came along with it ... i had on a typical black vertical striped pants that ended just around my ankles and i had on a polished shoe ?" 

"Did you wear your black blazer everywhere you went ?" The officer questioned again , typing furiously away on the laptop .

"Offcourse not ! Come on officer , we were in that little kid's house and they didnt even turn on their air conditioning that day . It was suffocating me and i couldnt stand the heat . I unbuttoned the top two buttons of my shirt and my blazer was off for sure ." He rolled his eyes .

"Do you recall if you had passed by the kitchen ?"

"Their toilet was located near the kitchen , i went to relieve myself a few times that day , yes . I've been to the kitchen ." Taehyung answered calmly .

"Did you remember what was on the counter ? "

"There were some cocktails , empty cups and bowls ?" He replied immediately and the officer stood up .

"I knew it , its you  ."  He slammed the table and saved his document , eyeing Taehyung up and down . "I just need some extra confirmation and this case is closed !" He finished his sentence , smiling proudly at himself .

Taehyung opened his mouth slightly, feeling alittle scared and nervous but he tried his best to not show it . He wondered if he should speak or just shut up , afraid to make matters worst when the officer infront of him was already checking up on him .

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