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Third Person's POV

After that day of interrogation , Taehyung had decided to cut off his contact with Jungkook and Claire . He didnt want to involve himself in the play anymore . He wanted to take back every word he said before about how much he loved the play and the casts , so much that he was willing to go back everytime they had practice although he wasnt needed anymore .

They were all lies anyways .

He didnt give a flying fuck about the VIP seat that he was given on the actual day of the play and neither did he care about Mr Kim Nam Joon screaming at him whenever he rudely pointed his middle finger to random workers in the office . He was planning his escape route , since he figured that there was no point in trying to act innocent when the police were onto him . He was actually afraid for the first time .

He knew that he would be caught and he wouldnt be dumb enough to throw himself into the burning pits of hell and rot there for life .

Jungkook and Claire on the other hand were busy with their last minute practices every night at Jungkook's balcony — yes , his balcony . Somehow , he decided to be a man and invited Claire over , in hopes that she would help him to learn how to be more comfortable around the opposite gender since she was the only female he was close to . 

They had fun playing many rounds of arm wrestling where Jungkook would deliberately lose infront of her and let her win to be happy for that moment . They would cuddle under the night sky and count the number of stars that they could see . They have went on several dates after disguising themselves with wigs and glasses , running around town with their hands interlocked together , goofing around . The relationship was going smoothly and they have decided to announce to the public about their relationship after they end the play with the kiss. 

Jin — the guilt that he felt in him was slowly eating him alive . He wanted to protect his favourite dongsaeng but he knew that it wasnt right . He saw how Taehyung was looking up for flights to Singapore , also , he realised that he was slowly going crazy in his own room .

He looked at the set of numbers on his phone and paced back and forth in his room , thinking if he should actually tip the police off and send Taehyung into prison. He was genuinely afraid and had tears in his eyes .

His heart was hurting .

He really didnt want to do this behind Taehyung's back , but he knew if he tried to persuade him to surrender himself in hopes for a lighter sentence , he would run off immediately to god knows where . Things would be worst .

Without knowing , he had accidentally dialed a number and his heart almost dropped , thinking that he had clicked onto the officer's number .

Instead , it was Hoseok's .

Hoseok immediately picked up his phone and was very cheerful throughout the call , he managed to calm Jin down , agreeing to meet him over coffee so that they could talk.

After meeting each other , Jin leaned into his ears and whispered out the truth — the ugly truth about Mackenzie's death. Both of them then sat in silence for about five minutes to take in the news .

Hoseok was shocked , he ... didnt believe Jin at all , but seeing how Jin was looking so troubled with his constant worried face and dark eye circles , he knew that it was probably true .


They finally made up their mind after the third hour , ready to spill the ugly truth out to the officer .

It was all over .

Taehyung's over .

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