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Here goes nothing.

Taehyung's POV

Since it was a rest day for me after the whole drama about Mackenzie , i returned to my room in a comfortable hoodie , planning to game throughout the whole day .

However , as soon as i stepped into the room , i heard my name being called by Seokjin hyung as he directed me to the ceo here , Mr Kim Namjoon.

I sighed but still went up a few floors higher to his office since it was in the same building . After knocking twice , i helped myself and sat on the same spot on the sofa .

"Taehyung , because of Mackenzie's death , things got out to the public and im afraid that your popularity have dropped , everyone involved was affected . In this rate , you dont have a partner to work with , and neither would you be involved in the play . Staying with the rest would be meaningless to you now , it does nothing good to your career . They can just work with Jungkook and Claire . "

"What are you trying to say ?" I furrowed my brows , listening to his words carefully .

"I know im contradicting here since i was the one who wanted you to give this play a try ... but with the current state , you wont benefit anyway , might as well drop out of it and work of new works . How does that sound for you ?" He finished his sentence as he sipped his cup of coffee .

"I dont want to back out now." I said adamantly.

"May i know the reason ? I thought you didnt like this play at all ?"

"I guess I've gotten attached to my friends there , i mean , Jungkook's my best buddy!" I raised my voice higher , trying to not cringe through the sentence .

I watch as Mr Kim arch his eyebrows up , probably asking himself if he heard it right . "You do know that our company depends on you since you are one of the bigger stars here ... you need to capture more attention , like I've said before , your popularity is dropping . Career over friendships . "

"i understand , im sure that there would be a way for my popularity to rise without the rest in the way ... " I replied , smiling to myself , reassuring him before leaving the office back to my room .

How do i make myself popular again ? Blaming everything on Jungkook so that he would get hated by the nation ? I'll have one less competitor down . I thought to myself while listening to the sexy elevator music , moving to the beat unconsciously .

Third Person 's POV

"This was what Jungkook said though , he didnt seem like someone who flirts alot . Who are we supposed to believe then ?" The officer who had questioned Jungkook raised his hand while the officer who questioned Taehyung reported his findings .

"That would mean that one of them is obviously lying about the other . Do we have any leads here other than the photo ?" The head asked as the others looked down except for one .

"I had someone check out the bowl that we have collected . He said that there is definitely a hint of sleeping pills present in the drink . I think that the girl died after drinking it. She died from an overdose . "

"Does that mean that the male in the photo was the one who spiked her ?" Another one chimes into the discussion .

The team leader stood up as he paced around the room , " The photo was taken a few minutes before she died , so its likely that that man is the one who have spoken to her last . Initially, i figured that I've caught the culprit but there was 2 of them who were dressed the same on that day ; Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook . Since both of them were playing the same character, both of them had the same set of clothings although only Taehyung 's supposed to act that day .The photo is quite blurry as well , we cant guarantee that we would get the right man if we guessed ."

"Taehyung said there was something going on between Jungkook and Mackenzie since they suddenly stopped talking . Maybe they had an argument before ? "

"Please play the recording of Seokjin's interrogation ." The head requested and the video started playing on the screen .


Seokjin's tape

" Relax , we just need to record incase we need to go over everyone's questioning. You dont have to be afraid to speak the truth , alright ?"

"How did you know Mackenzie?"

"I knew her from the play , Cinderella . I am Kim Taehyung's manager and i would accompany him from time to time during his practices where I'll see her . However , i do not talk to the other casts alot . I must say that i am not close to Mackenzie. " Seokjin was seen biting his lips , fidgeting with his fingers under the table .

"When did you realise Mackenzie was dead?"

"Well ... i was looking for Taehyung since i left for the toilet for a short while . I stumbled across the room and when i peeped in to check if he was there , i saw Mackenzie lying there like a flat panc— i mean , her being , you know ? Dead ? "

"Do you know if anyone is against Mackenzie?"

"No. Not that i know off."

"Did you see anything suspicious or knew who was in the room before you ?"


"Do i ? Do i not ?"

"Kim Seokjin ! Be serious !" The officer lowered his voice and slammed the table , causing Seokjin to jump .

"Calm down ! You'll damage the table in this rate ! I didnt see anything suspicious, neither do i know who was there before me ."

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