● Chapter 14: Romeo and Juliet ●

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Hey, guys!!!!

This will be real quick!!

If you guys remember voting for the ships then you cool but the winners areeee...........

Juvia: Rogue [ 9 votes ]

Wendy: Romeo [ 19 votes ]

Kyoshi: Gajeel [ 5 votes ]

Lucy: it was a tie between Luke and Sting so I'm gonna let you decide and whoever wins then they will end up with Lucy

I decided to remove Minerva because IDK why I just felt uneasy about her being in a relationship with someone because it doesn't suit her character

Now let's continue, shall we? (ㅇㅅㅇ ❀ )


"Wendy what's wrong???!!" Romeo asked in a hint of panic

"It's just Mimi........" Wendy mumbled

"What about Mimi??" Romeo asked while sitting next to the petite girl

"I feel weird when you and Mimi....... hang out....." Wendy muttered

"Is it jealousy?" Romeo chuckled

"Whattt???? Ummmm of course not why would I be Jealous of you and Mimi???!!! That's so childish!!" Wendy shouted while cover her face in embarrassment

"You know it's funny" Romeo chuckled

"What??" Wendy asked

"Remeber that girly guy from the dragon realm??" Romeo asked


"Wendy-Chan!!" A rather girlish voice said while hugging Wendy

"Nagisa-kun!!!" Wendy cheered while hugging the girlish looking boy and smiled happily.

After a few seconds they broke the hug and Wendy started having a conversation with the boy, Nagisa

Nagisa (pretend he's wearing a shirt, yah Nasty)

"Who's that kid??" Romeo asked, a little irritated

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"Who's that kid??" Romeo asked, a little irritated

"I'M NOT KID!!!! I happen to be 1 year older than Wendy-Chan!!" The 'kid' shouted

"Girls are so loud!!" Romeo said while covering his ears

"EXCUSSEE ME BUT I AM A PROUD MAN!!!!" Nagisa complained

"Stop it you two!!! Your acting like children!!" Wendy yelled at both of them

"we're sorry....." they apologized while bowing down to her

"good! Now Romeo, I'll be training with Nagisa while you go to igneel and train" Wendy explained with a warm smile

"AYE SIR!!" They both shouted while going to where they need to be

Then Wendy suddenly remembered Fairy Tail, Happy....

She felt a tear roll down her face and before she knew it, she started crying like a baby

When Romeo was going to leave he spyed on Nagisa and Wendy, just in case Nagisa makes any moves on Wendy.

But when he saw Nagisa wipe Wendy's tears with his hands, Romeo's heart broke into a million peices and he could feel his blood boiling like CRAZY!!

was he jealous???

           -----End Of Flashback-----

"You mean Nagisa-kun???" Wendy asked

"Yeah......" Romeo mumbled

"You were jealous of him!!!" Wendy took her hands off her face and started laughing

"Shut up....baka" Romeo pouted

"Cute..." Wendy said while pinching his cheek

"I WAS SUPPOSED TO DO THAT!!!! IM THE BOY HERE!!!!" He shouted while he chased Wendy outside of the guild.

Both were laughing like crazy until Romeo hugged Wendy from the back which shocked Wendy but she accepted it because he was super warm!!


"Your a baka" Romeo said

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"Your a baka" Romeo said

"My Baka."

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