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Inktober is a 31 day drawing challenge made by Jake Parker in 2009.

Basically you draw with inks in October.

For more information go to for the official rules and an official prompt list.


I'm not going off the prompt list for the first 18 days because I'm going to be drawing all of my object ocs.

I found my old notebook that had characters for an object show underneath my bed. I stuff thing under my bed a lot.

But I only have 18 characters. I looked through it and there are some that I don't really like anymore. But I'm still going to draw them. They will later be replaced and I will show you their replacements sometime after the first 18 days. 

Now for more info on my show:

It's called Signed Up.

And the characters have backstories. I haven't made them up yet.


Their backstories may or may not be a separate book. They probably won't.

Now that I look back, it had been a looooong while since I made these guys.

The first day is tomorrow!

I promise (maybe) that I won't post this late. If it's late for you. It's 11:38 PM as I am writing this. 

I'm going to draw an object version and a human version of them. (Humans are fun to draw. Ok. ok.)

See ya on October 1st! Or October 2nd depending on where you live!

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