Andi pov

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As I walked through the doors of wits academy once again i felt a rush of excitement, I was also excited Ruby  was gone. As the rest of the students and guardians came in I looked for my former wits hoping I was their guardian again, then I ran into Kim. Hey roommate! She said almost yelling, I'm guessing we're roommates again I said, yeah she replied, how do I know who my wits for this year are? I asked, over there she said pointing to a sign near the Dyad tree. Do you have the same as last year? I asked Kim, nope she said, I have two new students Kaylee and Michel. Wow I said, I hope I'm with Jessie and Ben, I'm going to go check. Bye Kim said walking away. I scanned the paper for my name then I found it Yes!! I yelled in my head I was assigned to Jessie and Ben. I also looked to see who Ethan and Emily were assigned to,  some new guy named Lance Grant. Hopefully he's nicer than Ruby I thought as I started tward my dorm.

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