Jessie pov

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I was glad to be back at the academy but I was really going to miss Jax, I already did, but I have to focus if I wanted to get stronger. Once I figured out where my dorm was I went to the student lounge, Ethan was there. Hey I said approaching him, Jessie hey I missed you he said hugging me, my brain and heart flip flopped, I missed you too, then Emily came.Ethan Agamemnon wants to see us she said, before turning she gave me the death glare. See ya later I said walking away, ugh I thought why does Emily hate me so much she's the Evil one. Just then Andi sat down next to me, hey you alright you look upset she said, I'm fine I said looking away. Sure she replied getting up, oh and don't worry about Emily Andi said walking away. I sighed and decided to text Jax.

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