Chapter 3

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When May got back to the museum that evening and everyone else had left, she locked up the lions right away and waited for it to be midnight. By ten o'clock she was sure the clock had started moving slower. She would try to read for awhile and when she looked at the clock only a few minutes had gone by. She finally gave up on reading, she couldn't concentrate anyways. She decided to check all five floors of the museum at least that would take some time and give her something to do.

Remembering what Nick had said about Ahkmenrah being claustrophobic she stopped in his exhibit and opened the lid of the coffin just a few inches, enough that he wouldn't wake up to complete darkness. When she got back it was only ten forty-five, sighing she sat down at the main desk and looked up at the t-rex skeleton and wondered if it was dangerous. No one had said anything about it the night before, but she couldn't get the images of the t-rex from Jurassic park out of her mind. She sat there attempting to read while watching the seconds slowly tic by on the clock until she started to fall asleep.

When she woke up the first thing she saw were the seven inch long teeth of the T-rex less than a foot from her face. She screamed and fell off of the chair. Still on the floor she was starting to back away from it when she heard Ahkmenrah yell, "It's alright, he won't hurt you."

May looked up and saw him running down the stairs, his robe flowing out behind him as he ran and she couldn't help thinking, "He is so dashing in that cape and so good looking. What is wrong with me one minute I'm afraid a t-rex is going to kill me and the next I'm checking out a three thousand year old dead guy. Mom is right, I have got to get a life outside of this museum before I completely lose my mind."

Ahkmenrah ran over to her and helped her up, "Rexy really is harmless, he was just curious. He's not use to seeing new people in the museum."

May looked at the huge T-rex skeleton standing in front of them and said, "You're sure he won't try to eat us."

"Don't worry, he's like a big puppy, he wouldn't hurt anyone. Just watch out for his tail, if he gets exited and starts running around, it can be a little dangerous."

May sarcastically asked, "A big puppy? Have you taught him to rollover and play fetch?"

Ahkmenrah grinned and picked up a bone that was lying on the floor by the desk and threw it across the room, pulling May down out of the way as Rexy spun around, his tail coming within inches of their heads as he chased after the bone.

May stood there in shock as Rexy brought the bone back and started waging his tail like a dog, "How did you teach a T-rex to fetch?"

"I didn't. I'm not sure if someone else did or if he has just always known how. Larry said he was the first thing he saw come to life when he started working here. He chased Larry all over the place trying to get him to throw the bone."

Teddy road over to them, "He's always known, not sure how or why. It took the old night guards a while to figure out why he was following them around and kept dropping the bone at their feet."

"This place just keeps getting crazier by the minute," May said.

"Wait until I introduce you to some of the others who live here," Ahkmenrah told her


A few hours later after being introduced to most of the inhabitants they walked into the diorama room. Only the Maya were still there though.

"Why are the Mayans locked up, but the others are allowed out?" May asked.

"No one here can speak their language and they attack anyone who gets near them with darts that cause numbness," Ahkmenrah explained.

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