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They all had different powers.

Kirstie could read minds.

Mitch could control other's bodies.

Avi could go into other's dreams. He knew about their biggest fears.

Kevin could teleportate himself to where ever he wanted to be. He was also super clever and could speak about 12 languages fluently.

Scott could hear someone whisper while they were miles away. He could see an ant that was about 15 foot away.
His senses were extraordinary strong.

When they were children a group of doctors misused them for projects.
As they saw the projects worked, they took them from their families and erased their memories.

They grew up together but without anyone else.
Only those 5 children and lots of trainers and doctors.

They learned how to fight and how to use weapons. They learned how to defense themselves and how to stay silent, no matter what.
Short, they made weapons out of them.

It was a strict life. They had to follow all those rules and train everyday.
No one gave them love.

Beside themselves.
They formed a strong bond of friendship that no one could easily destroy.
They cared more about each other than as if they were siblings.
They were the only persons they had.

No one knew about them.
Their families thought they died because of an illness.

They also had to be careful if trainers were around.
They weren't allowed to give each other nicknames or to talk to each other during training.

They still did.
They met in the night in their rooms and talked and laughed a lot.

They never knew that there could have been another life for them.
They didn't remember.

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