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This story will mostly be in Mitch's pov but sometimes in other's too so I'll still put "Mitch pov" there

Oh and there's gonna be some scomiche in the beginning ;)

Mitch pov

"Does it hurt much, Scotty?" I asked.

We sat on his bed in the room we both and Kirstie shared. Kirstie was taking a nap because all five of us were going to meet later in the night.

The trainer slapped Scott so hard that there was a large purple bruise on his face.

"Yeah it's fine. Are you okay though? You look upset."

I sighed.

"I just feel like it was my fault"

Scott looked shocked.

He didn't need to ask, I knew he wanted me explain.

"Well, I could have stopped him. You didn't need to get hurt. If I would've been faster"

"Mitch, listen to me: it's not your fault. He could've done anything if you stopped him, maybe even hurt you and believe me I wouldn't want that. It doesn't even hurt that much. Don't blame yourself, okay? It makes me sad to see you upset honey"

I don't know why but I teared up as he said that. He saw it and immediately hugged me tightly.

I felt so safe in his arms, just like nothing could ever happen to me.

"It really doesn't hurt?" I asked quietly.

Scott sighed. "No"

"You're lying" I whispered softly.

"I know"

As I looked up to him, a thought suddenly entered my head.



"Do you know what love is?"

He thought for a while.

"No I don't think so. I've never experienced it... Do you?"

"Not really. But I think it can be in different ways"

"What do you mean?"

"We all love each other. Just like siblings, I think that's what he meant" whispered Kirstie suddenly.

I jumped a little because I thought she was asleep.

"Yeah that makes sense" Scott said.

"What do you think is out there?" I asked as I caught Scott staring out the window.

"I don't know. I can't imagine it"

I sat up a little straighter, just to sit myself on his lap.

"You look cute" Kirstie said watching us smiling.

I blushed a little and Scott just placed a kiss on my forehead, which made me blush harder. Good thing, it was already dark in our room and they couldn't see it.

"You guys really love each other" Kirst laughed.

I snuggled myself into Scott and smiled.

"I really wanna go out there" I sighed closing my eyes.

Kirstie was just about to respond as Kevin suddenly fell onto my bed.

"Hi guys!"

"Oh my goodness don't you dare to scare me like that Kevin!" Kirstie said, jumping off her bed.

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