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Mitch pov

It was our 10th year here.
Kirstie and I were 16, Scott 17 and Avi and Kevin 19.

Today in our first phase of training in the morning a trainer took Kirstie with him.

She wasn't at lunch and it was already 6pm, our last phase of training today began.

Everyone was there, only Kirstie hadn't appeared yet. Weird. She was never late.

I glanced at the others to see that they've also noticed it.

Scott gave me a worried look.

Suddenly a trainer came in, pulling Kirstie behind.

When I saw her, I was shocked.
Her face was tear stained but the thing that surprised me most, was her hair.

She had always loved it and it was so long, it reached to her hip.

But now it wasn't even shoulder length.

I heard the others gasp.

She looked at us with sad eyes and tears formed in her eyes again.

The trainer who brought her shot her an angry glance and she quickly wiped them away.

We waited until they prepared everything for our training and I used the time to talk to Kirstie.

I walked over to her and put an arm around her shoulders, careful that no one would notice.

"What happened Kirst?" I asked quietly.

Scott, Avi and Kevin also listened as she answered.

"Today when the trainer took me with him, he told me my hair was too long.
He said it would only be distracting if I ever have to fight in a serious situation. So they cut it. Without asking any further. It's so short now"

She started crying again.

"They wanted to cut it even shorter but I started yelling at them. I told them it wouldn't distract me at all. Not anymore. And then I ran away and hid in the bathroom. They didn't get me out of there that fast. That's at least a good thing they taught us"

We all smiled sympathetically.

"Am I ugly now?" Kirstie whispered while looking to the ground.

We all shook our heads.

"There's no way you could ever look ugly" Scott said smiling.

"Guys! You don't want to be late or you have to do the training until 10pm!" a trainer shouted.

We all hurried our way over to him and he explained what we were going to do today.

I tried to listen but I just couldn't get out of my head what Kirstie told us the trainer said to her.

"If we ever have to fight in a serious situation"

What were they going to do with us?


Training went by really fast. I felt like it's 10 minutes ago that we began when our trainer shouted.

"Okay so for the last 20 each one of you is gonna use their power, while the others watch and give you tips!"

We all were out of breath when we came together.

I was scared that they were gonna make me control Kirstie, Scott, Avi or Kevin. I never liked to do that to any of them. It was unfair.

"Who wants to start?" The trainer asked.

Kirstie raised her hand a little.

"Kirstin? That's great!"

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